Sys852715_shortnote | Movéis la espada hacia la izquierda y hacia la derecha. | You jostle the sword hilt from side to side. |
Sys852716_name | Golpear | Knock |
Sys852716_name_plural | Sys852716_name_plural | Sys852716_name_plural |
Sys852716_shortnote | Golpeáis suavemente la hoja de la espada. | You knock politely on the sword blade. |
Sys852717_name | Lubricar | Oil |
Sys852717_name_plural | Sys852717_name_plural | Sys852717_name_plural |
Sys852717_shortnote | Aplicáis aceite sobre la hoja de la espada. | You grease up the sword blade with oil. |
Sys852723_name | Buscapríncipes | Prince Radar |
Sys852723_name_plural | Sys852723_name_plural | Sys852723_name_plural |
Sys852723_shortnote | Este hechizo ayuda a encontrar al príncipe azul.\n<CY>Muy útil si estáis buscando a un príncipe.</CY> | You can use this spell to search for a prince charming.\n<CY>Particularly effective when searching for a prince.</CY> |
Sys852725_name | Repelente de insectos | Insect Repellent |
Sys852725_name_plural | Sys852725_name_plural | Sys852725_name_plural |
Sys852725_shortnote | Una llama purificadora que solo tiene efecto sobre los Gusanos comelibros. | A purifying flame which only affects Book Worms. |
Sys852730_name | Fuerza acumulada | Power Build-Up |
Sys852730_name_plural | Sys852730_name_plural | Sys852730_name_plural |
Sys852730_shortnote | Reunís fuerzas. Tened cuidado: demasiada fuerza acumulada puede dar lugar a fatiga, de modo que ya no podréis atacar. | You gather your strength. Be careful because too much power build-up can result in fatigue to the point where you are no longer able to attack. |
Sys852731_name | Tajo | Powerful Blow |
Sys852731_name_plural | Sys852731_name_plural | Sys852731_name_plural |
Sys852731_shortnote | Infligís daño a la planta de habichuelas, dependiendo del nivel de fuerza acumulada. | You inflict damage to the magic beanstalk depending on the level of power build-up. |
Sys852739_name | Extraer espada | Pull Sword |
Sys852739_name_plural | Sys852739_name_plural | Sys852739_name_plural |
Sys852742_name | Sys852742_name | Sys852742_name |
Sys852742_name_plural | Sys852742_name_plural | Sys852742_name_plural |
Sys852743_name | Sys852743_name | Sys852743_name |
Sys852743_name_plural | Sys852743_name_plural | Sys852743_name_plural |
Sys852744_name | Sys852744_name | Sys852744_name |
Sys852744_name_plural | Sys852744_name_plural | Sys852744_name_plural |
Sys852750_name | 1 | 1 |
Sys852750_name_plural | Sys852750_name_plural | Sys852750_name_plural |
Sys852750_shortnote | 1 Punto. Puede destruir el 6 del oponente. | 1 point. Can destroy the opponent's 6. |