TOOLTIPS_LIMIT_USE | Requiere | Requires |
TOOLTIPS_RUNE | Runa (%d de %d) | Rune (%d of %d) |
TOOLTIPS_SET | Set (total %d piezas) | Set (total %d pieces) |
TOPS_PROMPT | |cffffff20 Consejos: |r | |cffffff20 Tips: |r |
TOTAL_MONEY | Valor total | Total value |
TOWER OF ANDRAS | Torre de Andras | Tower Of Andras |
TPPILL_203064 | 100 PT recibidos. | Received 100 TP! |
TPPILL_203065 | 1000 PT recibidos. | Received 1000 TP! |
TPPILL_203066 | 10 000 PT recibidos. | Received 10,000 TP! |
TPPILL_203067 | 100 000 PT recibidos. | Received 100,000 TP! |
TPPILL_203580 | ¡Recibís 500PT! | Received 500 TP! |
TPPILL_5000 | ¡Recibís 5.000 PT! | Received 5000 TP! |
TPPILL_POINTS | ¡[$VAR1] PT recibidos! | Received [$VAR1] TP! |
TRADE | Comerciar | Trade |
TRADE_COLON | Comerciante: | Trader: |
TRADE_CONFIRM | Escribe tu contraseña secundaria para completar la compra | Please enter your secondary password to complete the trade |
TRADE_TEXT | %s te ha enviado una petición de comercio | %s sent you a trade request |
TREASURE_NEED_KEY | Hace falta una llave para abrirlo. | A key is required to open this. |
TREASURE_OPEN | Abrir cofre del tesoro | Open the treasure box |
TRUE_HAND | Mano de la Verdad | Hand of Truth |
TUTORIAL_CLOSE | Cerrar | Close |
TUTORIAL_CTRL | Control de juego | Game operations |
TUTORIAL_DESC | Contenido de ayuda | Help Content |
TUTORIAL_EXPLAIN | Ayuda rápida | Quick Help |
TUTORIAL_FUNC | Funciones | Functions |
TUTORIAL_GUILD | Edificio de gremio | Guild Building |
TUTORIAL_LEVEL10 | Has alcanzado el nivel 10. Ahora podrás elegir una clase secundaria. Tras completar tu misión actual, busca a [110078|George], el alcalde de [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]. Él te dirá qué es lo que debes hacer a continuación. \n(Si no sabes cómo llegar a [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar], puedes abrir el mapa del mundo pulsando "M".) | You've reached Level 10. You will now be able to choose a secondary class. After completing your current quest, look for [110078|George], the mayor of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] and he will tell you what to do next.\n(If you don't know how to get to [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] you can open the world map by pressing "M".) |
TUTORIAL_LEVEL10_1 | Has alcanzado el nivel 10. Ahora podrás elegir una clase secundaria. Tras completar tu misión actual, dirígete al [ZONE_STONES FURLOUGH|Puerto de Embarque] y busca a [112797|Sidklaw]. Él te mandará a [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] para que consigas una clase secundaria. \n(Si desconoces la ubicación del [ZONE_STONES FURLOUGH|Puerto de Embarque], abre el mapa del mundo pulsando "M".) | You've reached Level 10. You will now be able to choose a secondary class. After completing your current quest, go to [ZONE_STONES FURLOUGH|Haven of Departure] and find [112797|Sidklaw]. He will send you to [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] to take up your secondary class. \n(If you don't know where [ZONE_STONES FURLOUGH|Haven of Departure] is, open the world map by pressing "M") |
TUTORIAL_LEVEL10_2 | Has alcanzado el nivel 10. Tras completar tu actual misión, dirígete a [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas] para obtener una clase secundaria. \n(Si no sabes dónde está [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas], abre el mapa del mundo con la tecla "M"). | You've reached Level 10. You will now be able to choose a secondary class. After completing your current quest, go to [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City] to take up your secondary class. \n(If you don't know where [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City] is, open the world map by pressing "M") |
TUTORIAL_LEVEL18 | Has llegado al nivel 18. Tras completar tu misión actual, dirígete al Gremio de Aventureros en la parte oeste del Distrito de la Administración de la ciudad de Varanas. [110167|Daris], el líder del gremio, necesita tu ayuda para una importante tarea. | You have reached Level 18. After completing your current quest, go to the Adventurers' Guild in the western part of the Administration District in Varanas. The guild's leader, [110167|Daris], requires your help for an important task. |