ZONE_Z34_TASUQ_ISLAND | Tasuq | Tasuq |
ZONE_ZACEHS_ISLAND | Chassihz | Chassizz |
ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST | Atalaya de Khazor | Khazor's Watchtower |
ZONE_ZAIZOLL PATH | Carretera de montaña de Khazor | Khazor's Mountain Road |
ZONE_ZAKURI_VILLAGE | Tomara | Tomara |
ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE | Duna de Zanka | Zanka's Dune |
ZONE_ZANKA_NEST | Nido de Zanka | Zanka's Nest |
ZONE_ZAQROK_SPRING | Manantial de Zaqrok | Spring of Zaqrok |
ZONE_ZAQROK_UNDERGROUND_LAKE | Corriente subterránea de Zaqrok | Underground Watercourse of Zaqrok |
ZONE_ZARAMONDE | Zaramonde | Zaramonde |
ZONE_ZARDIS_POST | Puesto de Sardis | Sardis Post |
ZONE_ZHILARA HEIGHTS | Meseta de Khalara | Khalara Plateau |
ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST | Atalaya de Khalara | Khalara Watchtower |
ZONE_ZIGGERO_VILLAGE | Carforn | Carforn |
ZONE_ZINDKAR_SEA_CAVE | Caverna Marina de Zindkar | Zindkar Sea Cave |
ZONE_ZIWALS EXPEDITION | Expedición de Ziwal | Ziwal's Expedition |
ZONE_ZONE15_1 | Colinas del Trueno | Thunderhoof Hills |
ZONE_ZONE15_2 | Montañas Lanorske | Lanorske Mountains |
ZONE_ZONE15_3 | Colinas del Trueno | Thunderhoof Hills |
ZONE_ZONE15_4 | Colinas del Trueno | Thunderhoof Hills |
ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP | Campamento de Zurhidon | Zurhidon Camp |
ZONE_ZURHIDON_WAR_ROOM | Aposento de Guerra Zurhidon | Zurhidon War Room |
ZONE16_K1 | ¿Hay algún problema? Si no pasa nada, os ruego que no interrumpáis mi práctica con el arco. | Is something the matter? If there's nothing wrong, please don't interrupt my archery practice. |
ZONE16_K10 | Preparaos. | Prepare yourself. |
ZONE16_K11 | Informadme | Please advise. |
ZONE16_K12 | Tengo que derrotaros | I must defeat you. |
ZONE16_K13 | Debéis pagar por lo que habéis hecho hoy. | You must pay for what you have done today. |
ZONE16_K14 | Sois bastante hábil, espero tener la oportunidad de aprender algunas cosas de vos. | Your skill is pretty good, I hope I get the opportunity to learn a few things from you. |
ZONE16_K15 | ¡Idiota! ¿Creéis que voy a aceptar que me habéis derrotado? ¡Os perseguiré hasta los confines de la tierra! | You fool, do you think that I will accept that you've beaten me. I'll chase you until the ends of the earth! |
ZONE16_K2 | Un guardia orgulloso de su destreza con la espada os ha mencionado. | A guard with pride in his swordsmanship just mentioned you. |