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ZONE16_K3¿Habláis de [115032|Namoc Keyr]? Conozco sus sentimientos. No es necesario tener un novio que sea un valiente arquero.\nNo me importa su posición social ni su admirable dominio del arco. Solo me importa su valor. \nUn hombre que ha estado enamorado de mí durante diez años y que no ha tenido el valor de decírmelo... ¿Es posible que tengamos futuro juntos?Are you talking of [115032|Namoc Keyr]? I know of his feelings. In fact, it is not necessary to have a valiant archer as a boyfriend. \nI don't care about his social status nor his superior bow technique, all I care about is his courage. \nA man being in love with me for ten years and not having the courage to tell me; is it OK to believe that we have some kind of future together?
ZONE16_K4Si no tenéis ningún problema, no interrumpáis mi práctica. Si [115032|Namoc Keyr] tiene algo que decirme, que venga aquí en persona.If you don't have a problem, then please do not bother my practice, if [115032|Namoc Keyr] has something to say to me ask him to come here himself.
ZONE16_K5Sólo quiero saber cómo se llama este tipo de flor.I just want to know what this kind of flower is called.
ZONE16_K6Esta flor... Toda la gente de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] la conoce, no hace falta que vengáis a preguntarme.This flower...all people of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] know it, you don't have to come to ask me.
ZONE16_K7¿Es verdad que odiáis a [115032|Namoc Keyr]?Do you really hate [115032|Namoc Keyr]?
ZONE16_K8No puedo apreciar a alguien que no se atreve a hablar conmigo.I do not have the strength to like someone who has no courage to talk to me.
ZONE16_K9Por favor, perdonadmeSorry, please forgive me.
ZONE21_01Reino de LechifKingdom of Lechif
ZONE955_JOLIN_S1¡Solamente yo puedo permanecer en mi escenario!Only I can sing on my stage!

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