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Sys626091_shortnoteCe mur est renforcé grâce au pouvoir de la pensée.This wall is braced by the power of thought.
Sys626095_namePaix guérisseuseSuccoring Silence
Sys626095_name_pluralPaix guérisseuseSuccoring Silence
Sys626095_shortnoteUne force guérisseuse soigne vos blessures.The healing power of silence mends wounds.
Sys626099_nameColère bouillonnanteScorching Rage
Sys626099_name_pluralColère bouillonnanteScorching Rage
Sys626099_shortnoteCette flamme maudite vous consume de l'intérieur.The accursed flames rage within your body.
Sys626101_nameOffensifGung Ho
Sys626101_name_pluralOffensifsGung Ho
Sys626101_shortnoteEn mode combat. Prêt à parer l'attaque de l'adversaire.Battle ready. Prepared for the enemy's attack.
Sys626103_nameBlessure cachéeHidden Wound
Sys626103_name_pluralBlessures cachéesHidden Wounds
Sys626103_shortnoteDes petites blessures cachées provoquent une douleur intense.Small, hidden wounds cause you stinging pains.
Sys626105_nameSphère du troubleSphere of Gloom
Sys626105_name_pluralSphères du troubleSpheres of Gloom
Sys626105_shortnoteUne aura mystérieuse aspire toutes vos forces.A mysterious aura drains your body of power.
Sys626106_shortnoteUn sentiment de peur oppressante se répand.A nightmarish feeling of terror grips you.
Sys626107_shortnoteVous êtes conscient de vos capacités exceptionnelles.You're filled with the conviction of your own amazing abilities.
Sys626108_nameRegard troubleBlurred Vision
Sys626108_name_pluralRegards troublesBlurred Vision
Sys626108_shortnoteTout ce qui se trouve autour de vous devient brutalement flou. L'univers semble disparaître dans la brume.Everything around you becomes blurred and hazy. The world seems to disappear in a thick fog.
Sys626109_nameTransformation de lameBlade Transformation
Sys626109_name_pluralTransformations de lamesBlade Transformations
Sys626109_shortnoteTransformé en arme, le corps tout entier déploie son potentiel de destruction.Being transformed into a weapon unlocks the body's potential for destruction.
Sys626111_nameConcentration du malConcentrated Evil
Sys626111_name_pluralConcentration du malConcentrated Evil

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