Sys853067_name_plural | Sys853067_name_plural | Sys853067_name_plural |
Sys853068_name | Boulet de canon de fête | Festival Cannonball |
Sys853068_name_plural | Sys853068_name_plural | Sys853068_name_plural |
Sys853069_name | Missile de fête | Festival Rocket |
Sys853069_name_plural | Sys853069_name_plural | Sys853069_name_plural |
Sys853069_shortnote | Vous consommez 15 unités d'[627581|énergie de fête] pour tirer sur les [130761|gobelins vêtus de rouge] dans une vaste zone. | Consumes 15 [627581|Festival Energy] to fire at [130761|Red Goblins] within a large area. |
Sys853070_name | Missile de fête | Festival Rocket |
Sys853070_name_plural | Sys853070_name_plural | Sys853070_name_plural |
Sys853071_name | Bombe de fête | Festival Bomb |
Sys853071_name_plural | Sys853071_name_plural | Sys853071_name_plural |
Sys853071_shortnote | Vous consommez 30 unités d'[627581|énergie de fête] pour bombarder une zone gigantesque. | Consumes 30 [627581|Festival Energy] to fire in a very large area. |
SYSTEM_AUCTION_SOULBOUND | Impossible de vendre un objet lié | Bound items cannot be sold. |
SYSTEM_BEAUTY | Boutique de personnalisation\32 | Styling Shop\32 |
SYSTEM_CARDBOOK | Bréviaire des monstres\32 | Monster Compendium\32 |
SYSTEM_CHARACTER | Personnage\32 | Character\32 |
SYSTEM_CLOSE | Fermer | Close |
SYSTEM_CRAFT | Production\32 | Production\32 |
SYSTEM_GUILD | Guilde\32 | Guild\32 |
SYSTEM_INSTANCE_RECORD | Avancement instance | Instance Progress |
SYSTEM_MAIL_ERROR1 | Vous ne pouvez pas vous envoyer un message ! | You cannot send mail to yourself! |
SYSTEM_MERCHANT | Boutique d'objets\32 | Item Shop\32 |
SYSTEM_OPTION | Système\32 | System\32 |
SYSTEM_PETBOOK | Bréviaire de familier | Pet Monster Compendium |
SYSTEM_QUEST | Quêtes\32 | Quests\32 |
SYSTEM_SKILL | Compétences\32 | Skills\32 |
SYSTEM_SOCIAL | Relations\32 | Social\32 |
SYSTEM_TITLE | Titres\32 | Titles\32 |
SYSTEM_TOOLTIP | Fonctions\32 | Functions\32 |
SYSTEM_WARNING_MEMORY | Attention ! L'utilisation de la mémoire de votre PC a atteint un niveau critique. | Warning! Your computer memory usage has exceeded a healthy level. |
TAGRANAAR | Tagena | Tagena |