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_glossary_02585Bande de la hache diaboliqueEvil Axe Gang
_glossary_02586Baldric, seigneur des espionsBaldric, Lord of the Spies
_glossary_02592Forteresse des hautes terres de DiacoDiaco Highland Stronghold
_glossary_02593Croc de sangBloodfang
_glossary_02597Légion du dragon vaincuLegion of the Vanquished Dragon
_glossary_02599Général DiacoGeneral Diaco
_glossary_02600Fort des hyénardsThe Gnoll's Fort
_glossary_02602Juetha le borgneone-Eyed Juetha
_glossary_02603Légion du dragon voraceLegion of the Ravenous Dragon
_glossary_02604Royaume de KaloKingdom of Kalon
_glossary_02605Passe de PaluntaPalunta Pass
_glossary_02606Forteresse de PaluntaPalunta Stronghold
_glossary_02607Forteresse des Nains PiedfeuFortress of the Fireboot Dwarves
_glossary_02608(entry deleted)(entry deleted)
_glossary_02609Champ de bataille de l'acierBattlefield of Steel
_glossary_02610Avant-poste des nains PiedfeuOutpost of the Fireboot Dwarves
_glossary_02611(entry deleted)(entry deleted)
_glossary_02612DorrisVillage of Dorris
_glossary_02614Général SqueletteSkeleton General

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