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610510Honor Elastic Leather Set (Omega)
300 Dexterity (6)

2400 Maximum HP (8)

-12 % resistance against damage from a player (206)

Honor Flexible Leather Coat (231948)
Honor Flexible Leather Shoulder Guards (231949)
Honor Flexible Leather Boots (231950)
Honor Flexible Leather Hat (231947)
610511Honor Rune Set (Omega)
150 Intelligence (4)
150 Wisdom (5)

2400 Maximum HP (8)

-12 % resistance against damage from a player (206)

Honor Rune Robe (231952)
Honor Rune Shoulder Guards (231953)
Honor Rune Shoes (231954)
Honor Rune Hood (231951)
610512Earth and Hurricane
168 Stamina (3)
336 Dodge (17)

Earth Splitting Bash (231058)
Protection of the Cold (231053)
610513Ice and Fire
240 Strength (2)
1440 Physical Attack (12)

Blaze Attack (231059)
Chilling Wind (231054)
610514Searing Lava
240 Dexterity (6)
1440 Physical Attack (12)

Lava Fist (231060)
Blaze Lava (231055)
610515Wrath of the Giant
240 Intelligence (4)
1440 Magical Attack (15)

Hand of the Giant (231061)
Lava Rage (231056)
610516Grasp of the Giant
240 Wisdom (5)
1440 Magical Attack (15)

Element Grasp (231062)
Protection of the Giant (231057)
610517Kingship of Stone
179 Stamina (3)
256 Parry Rate (22)

Strong Stone Plate (231895)
Divine Throne (231900)
610518Chaotic Dispute
256 Strength (2)
256 Damage (25)

Stage of Disorder (231896)
Earth Shift (231901)
610519Sleep of Fallen Leaves
256 Dexterity (6)
256 Damage (25)

Sleeping Volcano (231897)
Fallen Leaves (231902)
610520Wrath of Civilization
256 Intelligence (4)
256 Magical Damage (191)

True Dragon's Punishment (231898)
Glorious Civilization (231903)
610521Life Oasis
256 Wisdom (5)
1024 Healing Power Increase Points (150)

Life of the Kingdom (231899)
Element Oasis (231904)
610522Pirate Fighter
310 Stamina (3)

2661 Physical Attack (12)

594 Accuracy (16)

Secret Pirate Treasure Belt (232286)
Secret Pirate Treasure Breastplate (232282)
Secret Pirate Treasure Armored Gloves (232285)
Secret Pirate Treasure Shoulder Armor (232283)
Secret Pirate Treasure Combat Boots (232284)
Secret Pirate Treasure Leg Guards (232287)
Secret Pirate Treasure Helmet (232281)
610523Dreamland Knight
443 Strength (2)

2661 Physical Attack (12)

594 Accuracy (16)

Glorious Treasure Belt (232297)
Glorious Treasure Breastplates (232293)
Glorious Treasure Armored Gloves (232296)
Glorious Treasure Shoulder Armor (232294)
Glorious Treasure Combat Boots (232295)
Glorious Treasure Leg Guards (232298)
Glorious Treasure Helmet (232292)
610524Hunter of the Golden Arrow
443 Dexterity (6)

2661 Physical Attack (12)

594 Accuracy (16)

Handmade Island Belt (232308)
Handmade Island Breastplate (232304)
Handmade Island Gloves (232307)
Handmade Island Shoulder Armor (232305)
Handmade Island Leather Boots (232306)
Handmade Island Leg Guards (232309)
Handmade Island Helmet (232303)
610525Dream of Paradise
443 Intelligence (4)

2661 Magical Attack (15)
1774 Healing Power Increase Points (150)

594 Magical Accuracy (195)

Decorative Island Leg Guards (232320)
Decorative Island Breastplate (232315)
Decorative Island Gloves (232318)
Decorative Island Shoulder Armor (232316)
Decorative Island Boots (232317)
Decorative Island Belt (232319)
Decorative Island Hat (232314)
610526Pikusate's Set
196 Stamina (3)

2940 Physical Attack (12)

350 Damage (25)
392 Dodge (17)

Pikusate's Skull (232015)
Pikusate's Shell Armor (232016)
Pikusate's Breastplate (232017)
Pikusate's Legs (232018)
610527Tekoli-Wussa's Set
280 Strength (2)

2940 Physical Attack (12)

350 Damage (25)
280 Physical Critical Hit Rate (18)

Tekoli-Wussa's Helmet (232019)
Tekoli-Wussa's Shoulder Armor (232020)
Tekoli-Wussa's Shell (232021)
Tekoli-Wussa's Light Boots (232022)
Guardian of the Pass
Chaos of Greed
Organic Deconstruction
610528Tabokake's Set
280 Dexterity (6)

2940 Physical Attack (12)

350 Damage (25)
10 % Off-Hand Damage Rate (37)

Tabokake's Mask (232023)
Tabokake's Shoulder Armor (232024)
Tabokake's Leather Coat (232025)
Tabokake's Leather Boots (232026)
Demon Wolf Claw
610529Yinajo's Set
280 Dexterity (6)

2940 Physical Attack (12)

350 Damage (25)
280 Physical Critical Hit Rate (18)

Yinajo's Permeation (232027)
Yinajo's Element (232028)
Yinajo's Conch (232029)
Yinajo's Wave (232030)
Hunter Stance
610530Aggregate of Desperation Set
280 Intelligence (4)

2940 Magical Attack (15)

350 Magical Damage (191)
280 Magical Critical Hit Rate (20)

Crown of the Aggregate of Desperation (232031)
Flames of the Aggregate of Desperation (232032)
Robe of the Aggregate of Desperation (232033)
Cloth Shoes of the Aggregate of Desperation (232034)
Voice of the Sea
Shield of the Otherworld
610531Yifirus' Set
280 Wisdom (5)

2940 Magical Attack (15)

2520 Healing Power Increase Points (150)

Yifirus' Crown (232035)
Yifirus' Horns (232036)
Yifirus' Cloth Coat (232037)
Yifirus' Cloth Shoes (232038)
Water Element of Rebirth
Seed of Destruction
610532Steel Spider Set
268 Stamina (3)

4032 Physical Attack (12)

5184 Maximum HP (8)

Steel Spider Skull (232043)
Steel Spider Carapace (232044)
Steel Spider Breastplate (232045)
Steel Spider Legs (232046)
Transformed Steel Spider Wrist Guards (232165)
Transformed Steel Spider Belt (232166)
Transformed Steel Spider Leg Guards (232167)
610533Metal Void Set
384 Strength (2)

4032 Physical Attack (12)

5184 Maximum HP (8)

Metal Void Helmet (232047)
Metal Void Shoulder Guards (232048)
Metal Void Shell (232049)
Light Metal Void Boots (232050)
Transformed Metal Void Wrist Guards (232169)
Transformed Metal Void Belt (232170)
Transformed Metal Void Leg Guards (232171)
610534Forbidden Runes Set
384 Dexterity (6)

4032 Physical Attack (12)

2880 Maximum HP (8)
10 % Off-Hand Damage Rate (37)

Mask of the Forbidden Runes (232051)
Shoulder Armor of the Forbidden Runes (232052)
Leather Coat of the Forbidden Runes (232053)
Leather Boots of the Forbidden Runes (232054)
Transformed Gloves of the Forbidden Runes (232173)
Transformed Belt of the Forbidden Runes (232174)
Transformed Leather Pants of the Forbidden Runes (232175)
610535Sea Elemental Set
384 Dexterity (6)

4032 Physical Attack (12)

5184 Maximum HP (8)

Permeation of the Ocean Elemental (232055)
Ocean Elemental Element (232056)
Conch of the Ocean Elemental (232057)
Ocean Elemental Wave (232058)
Transformed Sea Elemental Gloves (232177)
Transformed Sea Elemental Belt (232178)
Transformed Sea Elemental Leather Pants (232179)
610536Greedy Goddess Set
384 Intelligence (4)

4032 Magical Attack (15)

5184 Maximum HP (8)

Crown of the Greedy Goddess (232059)
Flames of the Greedy Goddess (232060)
Robe of the Greedy Goddess (232061)
Cloth Shoes of the Greedy Goddess (232062)
Transformed Gloves of the Greedy Goddess (232181)
Transformed Belt of the Greedy Goddess (232182)
Transformed Pants of the Greedy Goddess (232183)
610537Voice of the Sea Set
384 Wisdom (5)

4032 Magical Attack (15)

3456 Healing Power Increase Points (150)

Crown of the Voice of the Sea (232063)
Horns of the Voice of the Sea (232064)
Cloth Coat of the Voice of the Sea (232065)
Cloth Shoe of the Voice of the Sea (232066)
Transformed Gloves of the Voice of the Sea (232185)
Transformed Belt of the Voice of the Sea (232186)
Transformed Pants of the Voice of the Sea (232187)
610538Mark of the Sea
196 Stamina (3)
280 Parry Rate (22)

Sea Tyrant (228741)
Scar of One Thousand Stone Eyes (228736)
610539Desert Expedition
280 Strength (2)
280 Damage (25)

Distant Sail (228742)
Silty Forest (228737)

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