result count: 1166

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num pages: 39

Quest Titles (0)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530631580103Culinary Expert
Event Titles (4)
Festival Event (1)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530632584295Elite Hunter
Other (5)
Normal (0)
5 All Attributes (7)
15 Defense (13)
200 Maximum HP (8)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
Quest Titles (0)
Special (0)
20 % Movement Speed (24)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
Skill: 496012
SkillLevel: 50
Quest Titles (0)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530635570913Will o' the Wisp
Quest Titles (0)
Salioca Basin (29)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
Quest Titles (0)
6 Defense (13)
29 Parry Rate (22)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
Quest Titles (0)
6 Defense (13)
29 Parry Rate (22)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530638576037Care for the Elderly
Quest Titles (0)
Limo Desert (16)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530639572300The Armed Investigator
Quest Titles (0)
Limo Desert (16)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530640572068Hand of Peace
Quest Titles (0)
Limo Desert (16)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530641572241Desert Eagle
Quest Titles (0)
Limo Desert (16)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530642578275Crisis Trigger
Quest Titles (0)
Limo Desert (16)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530643571983Lawless Witness
Quest Titles (0)
Limo Desert (16)
Preview 1
Rarity: 0
530644584818Has a bodyguard named Yawaka
Challenge (1)
Instance (1)
3 % Fire Magic Power (47)
169 Intelligence (4)
Preview 1
Rarity: 3
530645584819Takes Lijinda for walkies
Challenge (1)
Instance (1)
3 % Earth Magic Power (45)
360 Magical Attack (15)
Preview 1
Rarity: 3
530646584820Brought Raksha home for planting
Challenge (1)
Instance (1)
3 % Wind Magic Power (48)
108 Magical Critical Hit Rate (20)
Preview 1
Rarity: 3
530647584821Chopped down Naylodas by accident
Challenge (1)
Instance (1)
3 % Water Magic Power (46)
169 Wisdom (5)
Preview 1
Rarity: 3
530648584822Is the new Guardian of the Earth
Challenge (1)
Instance (1)
3 % Dark Magic Power (50)
162 Healing Power Increase Points (150)
Preview 1
Rarity: 3
530649584295Dimitar's Blessing
Other (5)
Normal (0)
3 All Attributes (7)
9 Defense (13)
120 Maximum HP (8)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530650578883Generous Soul
Other (5)
Normal (0)
30 All Resistances (26)
30 Wisdom (5)
144 Physical Critical Hit Rate (18)
144 Magical Critical Hit Rate (20)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530651576700Arm of Steel
Other (5)
Normal (0)
25 All Attributes (7)
300 Maximum HP (8)
5 % Movement Speed (24)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530652576750Tower of Fortitude
Other (5)
Normal (0)
25 All Attributes (7)
10 All Resistances (26)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530653576751Relentless Hunter
Other (5)
Normal (0)
15 All Attributes (7)
10 % Movement Speed (24)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530654576752Blessed One
Other (5)
Normal (0)
10 % Drop Rate (35)
10 % Experience Value Rate (34)
10 % TP Experience (175)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530655576695Perfect Attendance Award
Other (5)
Normal (0)
20 All Attributes (7)
10 All Resistances (26)
5 % Movement Speed (24)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530656576698Readiness 1
Other (5)
Normal (0)
15 All Attributes (7)
500 Maximum HP (8)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530657576699Readiness 2
Other (5)
Normal (0)
10 % Experience Value Rate (34)
10 % TP Experience (175)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530658576697Readiness 3
Other (5)
Normal (0)
50 Strength (2)
50 Intelligence (4)
200 Maximum HP (8)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0
530659575321Master of Seals
Other (5)
Normal (0)
25 All Attributes (7)
20 % Drop Rate (35)
10 % Movement Speed (24)
Preview 0
Rarity: 0

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