result count: 3

UI+Sys (0)Toothed Dagger: 1x211291 (2.44%)
Beast Claw: 1x211296 (2.439%)
Soul Crushing Bow: 1x211313 (2.439%)
Majar's Axe: 1x211340 (2.439%)
Gouging Long Sword: 1x211359 (2.439%)
Pure Long Staff: 1x211390 (2.439%)
Protective Long Sword: 1x211421 (2.439%)
Moon Stone Wand: 1x211450 (2.439%)
Holy Eagle's Wand: 1x211455 (2.439%)
Poison Fang Blade: 1x211292 (2.439%)
Poison Dragon Tooth: 1x211297 (2.439%)
Eagle Crossbow: 1x211325 (2.439%)
Kiev's Axe: 1x211341 (2.439%)
Ancient Battlehammer: 1x211374 (2.439%)
Sage's Long Staff: 1x211391 (2.439%)
Long Sword of Surprise: 1x211422 (2.439%)
Wand of Illusions: 1x211451 (2.439%)
Sharp Knife: 1x211293 (2.439%)
New Moon Long Bow: 1x211310 (2.439%)
Heavy Crossbow of the Gale: 1x211326 (2.439%)
Anglo's Axe: 1x211342 (2.439%)
Terrifying Battlehammer: 1x211375 (2.439%)
Scorching Battle Axe: 1x211406 (2.439%)
Blessed Battlehammer: 1x211437 (2.439%)
Wand of Thirst: 1x211452 (2.439%)
Assassin Tools: 1x211294 (2.439%)
Unreal Long Bow: 1x211311 (2.439%)
Soul Hunter Crossbow: 1x211327 (2.439%)
Metal Splitting Battle Axe: 1x211343 (2.439%)
Staff of the Secret Rite: 1x211388 (2.439%)
Heaven-Assailing Battle Axe: 1x211407 (2.439%)
Heaven Shaking Hammer: 1x211438 (2.439%)
Cold Stone Wand: 1x211453 (2.439%)
Dragon Toe: 1x211295 (2.439%)
Ancient Vine Bow: 1x211312 (2.439%)
Exquisite Battle Axe: 1x211339 (2.439%)
Sword of Tomorrow: 1x211358 (2.439%)
Torrent Staff: 1x211389 (2.439%)
Purple Battle Scimitar: 1x211420 (2.439%)
Great Magic Wand: 1x211449 (2.439%)
Hopeful Eagle Wand: 1x211454 (2.439%)
UI+Sys (0)Green Stone Sword: 1x211704 (4.182%)
Red Pearl Black Axe: 1x211888 (4.166%)
Ice-blue Thorn: 1x211900 (4.166%)
Flat Blue Hook: 1x211911 (4.166%)
Holy Crystal Staff: 1x211920 (4.166%)
Ancient Epee: 1x211705 (4.166%)
Long Broadsword: 1x211891 (4.166%)
Thick Broken Stone Sword: 1x211902 (4.166%)
Protective Dagger: 1x211912 (4.166%)
Curved Wooden Wand: 1x211921 (4.166%)
Wooden Staff: 1x211707 (4.166%)
Green Stone Heavy Hammer: 1x211893 (4.166%)
Poison Long Bow: 1x211904 (4.166%)
Assassin's Blade: 1x211914 (4.166%)
Single Leaf Wand: 1x211924 (4.166%)
Blue Wing Axe: 1x211884 (4.166%)
Round Thorn Axe: 1x211895 (4.166%)
Purple Rattan Bow: 1x211906 (4.166%)
Departed Spirit Dagger: 1x211916 (4.166%)
Armor Splitting Long Blade: 1x211985 (4.166%)
Purple Two-handed Axe: 1x211885 (4.166%)
Wavy Long Sword: 1x211897 (4.166%)
Siege Crossbow: 1x211908 (4.166%)
Green Stone Hammer: 1x211917 (4.166%)
UI+Sys (0)Swift Raptor Mount (7 Days): 1x208570 (45%)
Swift Raptor Mount (30 Days): 1x208571 (25%)
Swift Raptor Mount in a Bag (7 Days): 1x207959 (20%)
Swift Raptor Mount in a Bag (30 Days): 1x207960 (10%)