result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Broadsword of the Fort: 1x212936 (9.1%)
Hammer of the Stronghold: 1x212941 (9.09%)
Test Staff: 1x212946 (9.09%)
Sword of the Dwarf: 1x212937 (9.09%)
Bow of Red Clay: 1x212942 (9.09%)
Great Axe of the Battlefield: 1x212938 (9.09%)
Crossbow of the Stronghold: 1x212943 (9.09%)
Hand Axe of the Rhinoceros: 1x212939 (9.09%)
Dagger of Red Clay: 1x212944 (9.09%)
Heavy Hammer of the Giant Tree: 1x212940 (9.09%)
Experimental Wand: 1x212945 (9.09%)