result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Rare Icy Lake Sword: 1x213783 (9.1%)
Rare Small Icesteel Hammer: 1x213788 (9.09%)
Rare Night Whispers Staff: 1x213793 (9.09%)
Rare Secret Grove Sword: 1x213784 (9.09%)
Rare Bow of the Prophecy: 1x213789 (9.09%)
Rare Secret Grove Axe: 1x213785 (9.09%)
Rare Night Whispers Giant Crossbow: 1x213790 (9.09%)
Rare Icy Lake Axe: 1x213786 (9.09%)
Rare Night Whispers Blade: 1x213791 (9.09%)
Rare Heavy Icesteel Hammer: 1x213787 (9.09%)
Rare Wand of the Prophecy: 1x213792 (9.09%)