result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Silver Long Sword of the Coast: 1x214575 (9.09%)
Splitwater Hammer: 1x214580 (9.091%)
Runic Mission Wand: 1x214585 (9.091%)
Brinewind Castle Legion Blade: 1x214576 (9.091%)
Thorn Bow of Port Shard: 1x214581 (9.091%)
Mustang Axe of Veiled Mist Harbor: 1x214577 (9.091%)
Chalk Canyon Hunting Crossbow: 1x214582 (9.091%)
Mudwater Monster Axe: 1x214578 (9.091%)
Black Dungeon Dirk: 1x214583 (9.091%)
Golden Hammer of the Crucible: 1x214579 (9.091%)
Silver Cinnamon Forest Wand: 1x214584 (9.091%)