result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Great Sword of the Secluded Bay: 1x214074 (9.09%)
Gold Hammer of the Minotaur Oracle: 1x214846 (9.091%)
Eye of Frost Wand: 1x214851 (9.091%)
Longsword of the Dying Sea: 1x214075 (9.091%)
Longbow of Spatial Magic: 1x214847 (9.091%)
Darkfell Long Axe: 1x214843 (9.091%)
Icefog Hunting Bow: 1x214848 (9.091%)
Wing Axe of the Citadel Outpost: 1x214844 (9.091%)
Ring Blade of the Hillwatch: 1x214849 (9.091%)
Heavy Hammer of Shadows: 1x214845 (9.091%)
Snow Fortress Wand: 1x214850 (9.091%)