result count: 3

UI+Sys (0)Life Potion: 1x244068 (13%)
Life Crystal: 1x244072 (3%)
Invisibility Cloak: 1x244077 (2%)
Frost Wand: 1x244082 (3%)
Stone of Boiling Blood: 1x244087 (3%)
Wand of Punishment: 1x244102 (1%)
Recovery Potion: 1x244103 (14%)
Shielding Potion: 1x244073 (3%)
Invisibility Potion: 1x244078 (3%)
Mud Wand: 1x244083 (3%)
Sprint Potion: 1x244098 (3%)
Regeneration Potion: 1x244069 (10%)
Protection Crystal: 1x244074 (3%)
Invisibility Crystal: 1x244079 (3%)
Degeneration Wand: 1x244084 (3%)
Thunder Wand: 1x244099 (3%)
Bandage: 1x244070 (4%)
Invincibility Potion: 1x244075 (3%)
Camouflage Cloak: 1x244080 (2%)
Flash Wand: 1x244085 (3%)
Inferno Wand: 1x244100 (3%)
Enhanced Life Potion: 1x244071 (3%)
Petrification Cloak: 1x244076 (2%)
Offensive Wand: 1x244081 (3%)
Teleportation Wand: 1x244086 (3%)
Wand of Forgetfulness: 1x244101 (1%)
UI+Sys (0)Life Potion: 3x244068 (13%)
Life Crystal: 3x244072 (3%)
Invisibility Cloak: 3x244077 (2%)
Frost Wand: 3x244082 (3%)
Stone of Boiling Blood: 3x244087 (3%)
Wand of Punishment: 3x244102 (1%)
Recovery Potion: 3x244103 (14%)
Shielding Potion: 3x244073 (3%)
Invisibility Potion: 3x244078 (3%)
Mud Wand: 3x244083 (3%)
Sprint Potion: 3x244098 (3%)
Regeneration Potion: 3x244069 (10%)
Protection Crystal: 3x244074 (3%)
Invisibility Crystal: 3x244079 (3%)
Degeneration Wand: 3x244084 (3%)
Thunder Wand: 3x244099 (3%)
Bandage: 3x244070 (4%)
Invincibility Potion: 3x244075 (3%)
Camouflage Cloak: 3x244080 (2%)
Flash Wand: 3x244085 (3%)
Inferno Wand: 3x244100 (3%)
Enhanced Life Potion: 3x244071 (3%)
Petrification Cloak: 3x244076 (2%)
Offensive Wand: 3x244081 (3%)
Teleportation Wand: 3x244086 (3%)
Wand of Forgetfulness: 3x244101 (1%)
UI+Sys (0)Life Potion: 5x244068 (13%)
Life Crystal: 5x244072 (3%)
Invisibility Cloak: 5x244077 (2%)
Frost Wand: 5x244082 (3%)
Stone of Boiling Blood: 5x244087 (3%)
Wand of Punishment: 5x244102 (1%)
Recovery Potion: 5x244103 (14%)
Shielding Potion: 5x244073 (3%)
Invisibility Potion: 5x244078 (3%)
Mud Wand: 5x244083 (3%)
Sprint Potion: 5x244098 (3%)
Regeneration Potion: 5x244069 (10%)
Protection Crystal: 5x244074 (3%)
Invisibility Crystal: 5x244079 (3%)
Degeneration Wand: 5x244084 (3%)
Thunder Wand: 5x244099 (3%)
Bandage: 5x244070 (4%)
Invincibility Potion: 5x244075 (3%)
Camouflage Cloak: 5x244080 (2%)
Flash Wand: 5x244085 (3%)
Inferno Wand: 5x244100 (3%)
Enhanced Life Potion: 5x244071 (3%)
Petrification Cloak: 5x244076 (2%)
Offensive Wand: 5x244081 (3%)
Teleportation Wand: 5x244086 (3%)
Wand of Forgetfulness: 5x244101 (1%)