result count: 2

UI+Sys (0)Defense of the Ice Blades: 1x510315 (5.264%)
Star of the Ice Blades: 1x510512 (5.263%)
Breakthrough of the Ice Blades: 1x510533 (5.263%)
Lake of the Ice Blades: 1x510552 (5.263%)
Fire of the Ice Blades: 1x510452 (5.264%)
Weeds of the Ice Blades: 1x510514 (5.263%)
Mountain of the Ice Blades: 1x510535 (5.263%)
Water of the Ice Blades: 1x510553 (5.263%)
Strength of the Ice Blades: 1x510458 (5.264%)
Barbarity of the Ice Blades: 1x510515 (5.263%)
Woods of the Ice Blades: 1x510536 (5.263%)
Remnants of the Ice Blades: 1x510554 (5.263%)
Ice of the Ice Blades: 1x510478 (5.263%)
Stone of the Ice Blades: 1x510517 (5.263%)
Forest of the Ice Blades: 1x510537 (5.263%)
Obscurity of the Ice Blades: 1x510555 (5.263%)
Moon of the Ice Blades: 1x510499 (5.263%)
Strike of the Ice Blades: 1x510532 (5.263%)
Tide of the Ice Blades: 1x510539 (5.263%)
UI+Sys (0)Dexterity I: 1x510060 (16.67%)
Solidity I: 1x510120 (16.666%)
Stamina I: 1x510360 (16.666%)
Strength I: 1x510380 (16.666%)
Command I: 1x510100 (16.666%)
Life I: 1x510020 (16.666%)