result count: 5
guid | tag | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
721830 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Solidity I: 1x510120 (14.29%) Solidity VI: 1x510125 (14.285%) | Solidity II: 1x510121 (14.285%) Solidity VII: 1x510126 (14.285%) | Solidity III: 1x510122 (14.285%) | Solidity IV: 1x510123 (14.285%) | Solidity V: 1x510124 (14.285%) |
724430 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Solidity I: 1x510120 (4.182%) Solidity VI: 1x510125 (4.166%) Custodian III: 1x512610 (4.166%) Custodian VIII: 1x512615 (4.166%) Solidity IX: 1x510128 (4.166%) | Solidity II: 1x510121 (4.166%) Solidity VII: 1x510126 (4.166%) Custodian IV: 1x512611 (4.166%) Custodian IX: 1x512616 (4.166%) Solidity X: 1x510129 (4.166%) | Solidity III: 1x510122 (4.166%) Solidity VIII: 1x510127 (4.166%) Custodian V: 1x512612 (4.166%) Custodian X: 1x512617 (4.166%) Solidity XI: 1x510130 (4.166%) | Solidity IV: 1x510123 (4.166%) Custodian I: 1x512608 (4.166%) Custodian VI: 1x512613 (4.166%) Custodian XI: 1x512618 (4.166%) Solidity XII: 1x510131 (4.166%) | Solidity V: 1x510124 (4.166%) Custodian II: 1x512609 (4.166%) Custodian VII: 1x512614 (4.166%) Custodian XII: 1x512619 (4.166%) |
725007 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Solidity III: 1x510122 (25%) | Solidity IV: 1x510123 (25%) | Custodian III: 1x512610 (25%) | Custodian IV: 1x512611 (25%) | |
725205 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Flame of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512880 (20%) | Secret of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512881 (20%) | Frost of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512882 (20%) | Valiance of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512883 (20%) | Breakthrough of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512884 (20%) |
725206 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Sun of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512872 (25%) | Light of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512869 (25%) | Wing of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512887 (25%) | Frost of Imprisonment VIII: 1x512882 (25%) |