result count: 1

UI+Sys (0)Defense of Arcanium: 1x514360 (5.264%)
Star of Arcanium: 1x514365 (5.263%)
Breakthrough of Arcanium: 1x514370 (5.263%)
Lake of Arcanium: 1x514375 (5.263%)
Fire of Arcanium: 1x514361 (5.264%)
Weeds of Arcanium: 1x514366 (5.263%)
Mountain of Arcanium: 1x514371 (5.263%)
Water of Arcanium: 1x514376 (5.263%)
Strength of Arcanium: 1x514362 (5.264%)
Barbarity of Arcanium: 1x514367 (5.263%)
Woods of Arcanium: 1x514372 (5.263%)
Remnants of Arcanium: 1x514377 (5.263%)
Ice of Arcanium: 1x514363 (5.263%)
Stone of Arcanium: 1x514368 (5.263%)
Forest of Arcanium: 1x514373 (5.263%)
Obscurity of Arcanium: 1x514378 (5.263%)
Moon of Arcanium: 1x514364 (5.263%)
Strike of Arcanium: 1x514369 (5.263%)
Tide of Arcanium: 1x514374 (5.263%)