result count: 2
guid | tag | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
727358 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Ability of the Minotaurs: 1x514778 (20%) Wind of the Minotaurs: 1x514783 (8.889%) | Power of the Minotaurs: 1x514779 (8.888%) Weeds of the Minotaurs: 1x514806 (8.889%) | Fire of the Minotaurs: 1x514780 (8.889%) Barbarity of the Minotaurs: 1x514807 (8.889%) | Assault of the Minotaurs: 1x514781 (8.889%) Fragment of the Minotaurs: 1x514808 (8.889%) | Fury of the Minotaurs: 1x514782 (8.889%) Mountain of the Minotaurs: 1x514815 (8.889%) |
727361 search: -enemies -treasure | UI+Sys (0) | Guardian of the Minotaurs: 1x514772 (20.001%) Defense of the Minotaurs: 1x514775 (3.333%) | Protection of the Minotaurs: 1x514774 (20%) Light of the Minotaurs: 1x514805 (3.333%) | Annihilation of the Minotaurs: 1x514777 (20%) Sun of the Minotaurs: 1x514802 (3.333%) | Fury of the Minotaurs: 1x514782 (20%) Spell of the Minotaurs: 1x514791 (3.333%) | Guard of the Minotaurs: 1x514773 (3.334%) Destruction of the Minotaurs: 1x514776 (3.333%) |