result count: 10006

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num pages: 334

UI+Sys (0)Kobold Cane: 1x211578 (4%)
Kobold Harvester: 1x211579 (4%)
Brave Chain: 1x222932 (25%)
Kobold's Work Pants: 1x222933 (32%)
Apprentice Mage's Boots: 1x222931 (35%)
UI+Sys (0)Unicorn Mount in a bag (7 Days): 1x203678 (14.7%)
Eve's Flower Crown: 1x223369 (7.92%)
: 1x720317 (7.92%)
Eve's Summer Clothes (Female): 1x223365 (7.92%)
Romantic Rose Crown (Female): 1x223375 (7.92%)
Unicorn Mount in a bag (30 Days): 1x203677 (6%)
Eve's Petal Gloves (Female): 1x223366 (7.92%)
Outfit of the Jealous Single (Female): 1x223376 (7.92%)
Unicorn Mount (Permanent): 1x203676 (0.1%)
Eve's Grass Boots (Female): 1x223367 (7.92%)
Outfit of the Passionate Couple (Female): 1x223377 (7.92%)
Eve's Summer Pants (Female): 1x223368 (7.92%)
: 1x720316 (7.92%)
UI+Sys (0)Silence Hammer: 1x210419 (18.5%)
Absolute Shattering Sword: 1x211636 (1.5%)
Hope's Heavy Helmet: 1x223489 (20%)
Follower's Reward Hat: 1x220344 (20%)
Final Horns Shoulder Armor: 1x220859 (20%)
Blade of Sadness: 1x210401 (20%)
UI+Sys (0)Anselve Spider Pattern Robe: 1x223014 (8.337%)
Anselve Spider Pattern Helmet: 1x223019 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Mark Long Pants: 1x223048 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Pattern Gloves: 1x223015 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Mark Shirt: 1x223044 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Mark Head Piece: 1x223049 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Pattern Shoulder Armor: 1x223016 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Mark Handguards: 1x223045 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Pattern Boots: 1x223017 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Mark Shoulder Armor: 1x223046 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Pattern Leg Guards: 1x223018 (8.333%)
Anselve Spider Mark Boots: 1x223047 (8.333%)
UI+Sys (0)Aisha's Ice Spike Shirt: 1x223020 (8.337%)
Aisha's Ice Spike Mask: 1x223025 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Magic Pants: 1x223030 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Spike Handguards: 1x223021 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Magic Robe: 1x223026 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Magic Snow Crown: 1x223031 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Spike Shoulder Armor: 1x223022 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Magic Gloves: 1x223027 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Spike Boots: 1x223023 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Magic Shoulder Armor: 1x223028 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Spike Pants: 1x223024 (8.333%)
Aisha's Ice Magic Boots: 1x223029 (8.333%)
UI+Sys (0)Battle Chain Armor of Locface's Blue Scales: 1x223032 (8.337%)
Battle Helmet of Locface's Blue Scales: 1x223037 (8.333%)
Locface Dragon Design Riding Pants: 1x223042 (8.333%)
Scale Gauntlets of Locface's Blue Scales: 1x223033 (8.333%)
Locface Dragon Design Riding Armor: 1x223038 (8.333%)
Locface Dragon Design Helmet: 1x223043 (8.333%)
Shoulder Armor of Locface's Blue Scales: 1x223034 (8.333%)
Locface Dragon Design Scale Gauntlets: 1x223039 (8.333%)
Combat Boots of Locface's Blue Scales: 1x223035 (8.333%)
Locface Dragon Design Shoulder Armor: 1x223040 (8.333%)
Pants of Locface's Blue Scales: 1x223036 (8.333%)
Locface Dragon Design Riding Boots: 1x223041 (8.333%)
UI+Sys (0)Knife: 1x211282 (3.25%)
Light Crossbow: 1x211314 (3.225%)
Reinforced Axe: 1x211330 (3.225%)
Thin Blade: 1x211344 (3.225%)
Dead Tree Staff: 1x211378 (3.225%)
Blade of Peace: 1x211410 (3.225%)
Stone-breaking Battlehammer: 1x211426 (3.225%)
Poison Fang Dagger: 1x211283 (3.225%)
Heavy Duty Curved Crossbow: 1x211315 (3.225%)
Heavy Short Axe: 1x211331 (3.225%)
Sharp Scimitar: 1x211345 (3.225%)
Wisdom Staff: 1x211379 (3.225%)
Refined Large Sword: 1x211411 (3.225%)
Clear-sight Short Bow: 1x211298 (3.225%)
Hunter's Crossbow: 1x211316 (3.225%)
Heavy Broad Axe: 1x211332 (3.225%)
Short Battlehammer: 1x211360 (3.225%)
Simple Battle Axe: 1x211392 (3.225%)
Strong Short Hammer: 1x211423 (3.225%)
Short Bow of Precision: 1x211299 (3.225%)
Small Iron Axe: 1x211328 (3.225%)
Savage Short Axe: 1x211333 (3.225%)
Wild Thorn Long Staff: 1x211376 (3.225%)
Heavy Sword: 1x211408 (3.225%)
Worn Bone Battlehammer: 1x211424 (3.225%)
Hard Wooden Bow: 1x211300 (3.225%)
Strong Battle Axe: 1x211329 (3.225%)
Hunter's Long Axe: 1x211334 (3.225%)
Long Cane Staff: 1x211377 (3.225%)
Simple Broad Sword: 1x211409 (3.225%)
Short Wooden Battlehammer: 1x211425 (3.225%)
UI+Sys (0)Sharp Short Sword: 1x211284 (2.5%)
Longbow: 1x211301 (2.5%)
Heavy Strong Crossbow: 1x211318 (2.5%)
Crystal Cast Long Blade: 1x211348 (2.5%)
Hammer of Humiliation: 1x211363 (2.5%)
Superior Battle Axe: 1x211393 (2.5%)
Short Spirit Axe: 1x211398 (2.5%)
Barbarian Machete: 1x211414 (2.5%)
Short Sword: 1x211285 (2.5%)
Bow of Precision: 1x211302 (2.5%)
Burning Axe: 1x211335 (2.5%)
August's Sword: 1x211349 (2.5%)
Skull-breaking Battlehammer: 1x211364 (2.5%)
Strong Hacking Axe: 1x211394 (2.5%)
Logar's Broadaxe: 1x211399 (2.5%)
White Iron Battlehammer: 1x211427 (2.5%)
Sharp Barb: 1x211286 (2.5%)
Clear-sight Long Bow: 1x211303 (2.5%)
Illusion Battle Axe: 1x211336 (2.5%)
George's Scimitar: 1x211350 (2.5%)
Cast Battlehammer: 1x211365 (2.5%)
Intimidating Battle Axe: 1x211395 (2.5%)
Tempest Height Short Axe: 1x211400 (2.5%)
Moon Silver Battlehammer: 1x211428 (2.5%)
Poison Fang Barb: 1x211287 (2.5%)
Long Bow of Accuracy: 1x211304 (2.5%)
Heavy Scimitar: 1x211346 (2.5%)
Simple Wooden Club: 1x211361 (2.5%)
Crystal Staff: 1x211380 (2.5%)
Pounding Battle Axe: 1x211396 (2.5%)
Large Stone Blade: 1x211412 (2.5%)
Hammer of Defense: 1x211429 (2.5%)
Poison Fang Sharp Dagger: 1x211288 (2.5%)
Hunter's Strong Crossbow: 1x211317 (2.5%)
Rock Long Sword: 1x211347 (2.5%)
Bone Smashing Hammer: 1x211362 (2.5%)
Exorcism Staff: 1x211381 (2.5%)
Minotaur Crushing Axe: 1x211397 (2.5%)
Steel Flower Blade: 1x211413 (2.5%)
Short Staff of Illusion: 1x211439 (2.5%)
UI+Sys (0)Sharp Dagger: 1x211289 (3.125%)
Animal Bone Heavy Crossbow: 1x211320 (3.125%)
Blood Stained Club: 1x211366 (3.125%)
Muse Staff: 1x211383 (3.125%)
Battle Axe of Assassination: 1x211403 (3.125%)
Back Smashing Hammer: 1x211431 (3.125%)
Wand of the Void: 1x211443 (3.125%)
Accuracy Bow: 1x211305 (3.125%)
Heavy Crossbow of Faded Light: 1x211321 (3.125%)
Stone Smashing Hammer: 1x211367 (3.125%)
Smashing Staff: 1x211384 (3.125%)
Glorious Red Battle Axe: 1x211404 (3.125%)
Oppressive Battlehammer: 1x211432 (3.125%)
Wand of Cleverness: 1x211444 (3.125%)
Bandit's Bow: 1x211306 (3.125%)
Light Crossbow of Accuracy: 1x211322 (3.125%)
Logar's Hammer: 1x211368 (3.125%)
Staff of Imagination: 1x211385 (3.125%)
Whirlwind Sword: 1x211415 (3.125%)
Short Bone Staff: 1x211440 (3.125%)
Loner's Short Bow: 1x211307 (3.125%)
Long Crossbow of Accuracy: 1x211323 (3.125%)
Hammer of Trial: 1x211369 (3.125%)
Fierce Warrior's Axe: 1x211401 (3.125%)
Tiger Annihilation Blade: 1x211416 (3.125%)
Magic Wand: 1x211441 (3.125%)
New Heavy Crossbow: 1x211319 (3.125%)
King Lionheart's Battle Sword: 1x211351 (3.125%)
Scholar's Staff: 1x211382 (3.125%)
Battle Axe of Snow Clouds: 1x211402 (3.125%)
Skull Smashing Hammer: 1x211430 (3.125%)
Ebony Wand: 1x211442 (3.125%)
UI+Sys (0)Recurve Knife: 1x211290 (3.343%)
Star Axe: 1x211338 (3.333%)
Curved Sword of Sacrilege: 1x211356 (3.333%)
Bone 'n Tooth Battle Hammer: 1x211373 (3.333%)
Protective Thorn Sword: 1x211418 (3.333%)
Up-Smasher: 1x211436 (3.333%)
Lorben's Short Bow: 1x211308 (3.333%)
Sword of Dreams: 1x211352 (3.333%)
Tempest Sword: 1x211357 (3.333%)
Elite Long Staff: 1x211386 (3.333%)
Sword of the Martyr: 1x211419 (3.333%)
Wand of Imperial Edict: 1x211445 (3.333%)
Swift Hawk Bow: 1x211309 (3.333%)
Glowing Sword: 1x211353 (3.333%)
Battle Hammer of Punishment: 1x211370 (3.333%)
Prayer Staff: 1x211387 (3.333%)
Fierce Hammer: 1x211433 (3.333%)
Snow Wand: 1x211446 (3.333%)
Light Crossbow of Readiness: 1x211324 (3.333%)
Killer Blade: 1x211354 (3.333%)
Battle Hammer of the Ancient Moon: 1x211371 (3.333%)
Haniya Axe: 1x211405 (3.333%)
Battle Hammer of Fleeting Spirits: 1x211434 (3.333%)
Spirit Pearl Wand: 1x211447 (3.333%)
Fierce Warrior's Axe: 1x211337 (3.333%)
Blade of the Destroyer: 1x211355 (3.333%)
Double War Hammer: 1x211372 (3.333%)
Huge Sword of Light: 1x211417 (3.333%)
Earth Battle Hammer: 1x211435 (3.333%)
Crescent Moon Short Staff: 1x211448 (3.333%)
UI+Sys (0)Toothed Dagger: 1x211291 (2.44%)
Beast Claw: 1x211296 (2.439%)
Soul Crushing Bow: 1x211313 (2.439%)
Majar's Axe: 1x211340 (2.439%)
Gouging Long Sword: 1x211359 (2.439%)
Pure Long Staff: 1x211390 (2.439%)
Protective Long Sword: 1x211421 (2.439%)
Moon Stone Wand: 1x211450 (2.439%)
Holy Eagle's Wand: 1x211455 (2.439%)
Poison Fang Blade: 1x211292 (2.439%)
Poison Dragon Tooth: 1x211297 (2.439%)
Eagle Crossbow: 1x211325 (2.439%)
Kiev's Axe: 1x211341 (2.439%)
Ancient Battlehammer: 1x211374 (2.439%)
Sage's Long Staff: 1x211391 (2.439%)
Long Sword of Surprise: 1x211422 (2.439%)
Wand of Illusions: 1x211451 (2.439%)
Sharp Knife: 1x211293 (2.439%)
New Moon Long Bow: 1x211310 (2.439%)
Heavy Crossbow of the Gale: 1x211326 (2.439%)
Anglo's Axe: 1x211342 (2.439%)
Terrifying Battlehammer: 1x211375 (2.439%)
Scorching Battle Axe: 1x211406 (2.439%)
Blessed Battlehammer: 1x211437 (2.439%)
Wand of Thirst: 1x211452 (2.439%)
Assassin Tools: 1x211294 (2.439%)
Unreal Long Bow: 1x211311 (2.439%)
Soul Hunter Crossbow: 1x211327 (2.439%)
Metal Splitting Battle Axe: 1x211343 (2.439%)
Staff of the Secret Rite: 1x211388 (2.439%)
Heaven-Assailing Battle Axe: 1x211407 (2.439%)
Heaven Shaking Hammer: 1x211438 (2.439%)
Cold Stone Wand: 1x211453 (2.439%)
Dragon Toe: 1x211295 (2.439%)
Ancient Vine Bow: 1x211312 (2.439%)
Exquisite Battle Axe: 1x211339 (2.439%)
Sword of Tomorrow: 1x211358 (2.439%)
Torrent Staff: 1x211389 (2.439%)
Purple Battle Scimitar: 1x211420 (2.439%)
Great Magic Wand: 1x211449 (2.439%)
Hopeful Eagle Wand: 1x211454 (2.439%)
UI+Sys (0)Simple Leg Guards: 1x222441 (2.947%)
Thin Leather Belt: 1x222472 (2.941%)
Blue Mist Shoulder Guard: 1x222542 (2.941%)
Moonfairy Belt: 1x222550 (2.941%)
Extinguishing Cane: 1x222584 (2.941%)
Colorful Leg Guards: 1x222618 (2.941%)
Breezy Boots: 1x222649 (2.941%)
Sunlight Leg Guards: 1x222442 (2.941%)
Studded Belt: 1x222473 (2.941%)
Gold Lined Belt: 1x222546 (2.941%)
Simple Boots: 1x222560 (2.941%)
Laurel Wood Shield: 1x222596 (2.941%)
Bronze Leg Guards: 1x222619 (2.941%)
Shooting Star Boots: 1x222650 (2.941%)
Earth Leather Armor: 1x222450 (2.941%)
Beast Hide Boots: 1x222480 (2.941%)
Spirit Belt: 1x222547 (2.941%)
Horn of Arde: 1x222581 (2.941%)
Crossed Iron Shield: 1x222597 (2.941%)
Engraved Chain Mail: 1x222626 (2.941%)
Harpy Feather Boots: 1x222651 (2.941%)
Shiny Purple Leather Armor: 1x222451 (2.941%)
Student's Apron: 1x222492 (2.941%)
Protective Belt: 1x222548 (2.941%)
Holy Chalice: 1x222582 (2.941%)
Buckler: 1x222598 (2.941%)
Flame Chainmail: 1x222632 (2.941%)
Storm Gust Headband: 1x222656 (2.941%)
Light Purple Leather Armor: 1x222452 (2.941%)
Knickerbockers: 1x222493 (2.941%)
Belt with Classic Inscriptions: 1x222549 (2.941%)
Illumination Scepter: 1x222583 (2.941%)
Logar's Shield: 1x222599 (2.941%)
Distant Shadow Waist Chain: 1x222643 (2.941%)
UI+Sys (0)Star Leg Guards: 1x222443 (2.805%)
Fine Flower Belt: 1x222474 (2.777%)
Ember Trousers: 1x222494 (2.777%)
Delicate Gloves: 1x222526 (2.777%)
Green Marked Boots: 1x222561 (2.777%)
Water Crystal Scepter: 1x222587 (2.777%)
Purple Mail Leg Guards: 1x222620 (2.777%)
Helmet of the Wasteland: 1x222657 (2.777%)
Tiger Design Leg Guards: 1x222444 (2.777%)
Snake Skin Belt: 1x222475 (2.777%)
Crescent Moon Coat: 1x222508 (2.777%)
Solar Gloves: 1x222527 (2.777%)
Mulberry Boots: 1x222562 (2.777%)
Paranoia Ring: 1x222588 (2.777%)
Engraved Leg Guards: 1x222621 (2.777%)
Earth Handguards: 1x222460 (2.777%)
Fan-shaped Belt: 1x222476 (2.777%)
Jade Green Coat: 1x222509 (2.777%)
Green Patterned Gloves: 1x222528 (2.777%)
Boots of the Wasteland: 1x222563 (2.777%)
Ice Shield: 1x222600 (2.777%)
Purple Chain Mail: 1x222627 (2.777%)
Red Moon Shoulder Guards: 1x222467 (2.777%)
Stitched Ferret Boots: 1x222481 (2.777%)
Copper Red Coat: 1x222510 (2.777%)
Glittering Belt: 1x222551 (2.777%)
Dead Tree Ring: 1x222585 (2.777%)
Round Wooden Buckler: 1x222601 (2.777%)
Smelted Iron Gauntlets: 1x222634 (2.777%)
Frost Shoulder Guards: 1x222468 (2.777%)
Ancient Boots: 1x222482 (2.777%)
Leaf Green Coat: 1x222511 (2.777%)
Red Feather Belt: 1x222552 (2.777%)
New Moon Tooth: 1x222586 (2.777%)
Holy Sign Iron Shield: 1x222602 (2.777%)
Waist Chain of the Abbyss: 1x222644 (2.777%)
UI+Sys (0)Purple Bright Leg Guards: 1x222445 (1.927%)
Dark Purple Handguards: 1x222462 (1.923%)
Burning Blood Boots: 1x222483 (1.923%)
Cosmos Trousers: 1x222496 (1.923%)
Blue Coat: 1x222514 (1.923%)
Purity Shoulder Guards: 1x222538 (1.923%)
Dust Grey Shoes: 1x222564 (1.923%)
Soul Extinguishing Shield: 1x222603 (1.923%)
Vine Leaf Gloves: 1x222635 (1.923%)
Gold Helmet: 1x222658 (1.923%)
Featherpoint Belt: 1x222671 (1.923%)
Brown Tassel Leather Armor: 1x222453 (1.923%)
Bright Red Handguards: 1x222463 (1.923%)
Deadland Long Boots: 1x222484 (1.923%)
Burning Feather Leggings: 1x222497 (1.923%)
Meadow Green Coat: 1x222515 (1.923%)
Ruffled Silk Shoulder Guards: 1x222539 (1.923%)
Colonialist's Boots: 1x222565 (1.923%)
Brilliant Purple Cape: 1x222610 (1.923%)
Galaxy Shoulder Guards: 1x222639 (1.923%)
Purple Leg Armor: 1x222659 (1.923%)
Moon Stone Boots: 1x222674 (1.923%)
Flower Engraved Armor: 1x222454 (1.923%)
Tempest Handguards: 1x222464 (1.923%)
Red Boots: 1x222485 (1.923%)
Emerald Pants: 1x222498 (1.923%)
Bright Day Gloves: 1x222529 (1.923%)
Slit Silk Shoulder Guards: 1x222540 (1.923%)
Dark Blue Boots: 1x222566 (1.923%)
Grassland Cape: 1x222611 (1.923%)
Clear Wave Belt: 1x222645 (1.923%)
Forest Leg Armor: 1x222660 (1.923%)
Impressive Leather Armor: 1x222455 (1.923%)
Moon Bright Shoulder Guards: 1x222469 (1.923%)
Sandproof Boots: 1x222486 (1.923%)
Snow Jacket: 1x222512 (1.923%)
Dark Grained Gloves: 1x222530 (1.923%)
Copper Belt: 1x222553 (1.923%)
Flame Scepter: 1x222589 (1.923%)
White Feather Chainmail: 1x222628 (1.923%)
Protection Belt: 1x222646 (1.923%)
Brilliant Purple Armor: 1x222662 (1.923%)
Red Handguards: 1x222461 (1.923%)
Ornamental Belt: 1x222477 (1.923%)
Jade Green Pants: 1x222495 (1.923%)
Starfire Jacket: 1x222513 (1.923%)
Blood Repentance Shoulder Guard: 1x222537 (1.923%)
Pearl Orchid Belt: 1x222554 (1.923%)
Light of the Grail: 1x222590 (1.923%)
Ice Crystal Chainmail: 1x222629 (1.923%)
Silver Snow Shoes: 1x222652 (1.923%)
Night Ambush Scale Gauntlets: 1x222665 (1.923%)
UI+Sys (0)Blue Star Leg Guards: 1x222446 (1.525%)
Crystal Wave Handguards: 1x222465 (1.515%)
Moonshine Leather Helmet: 1x222490 (1.515%)
White Pants: 1x222502 (1.515%)
Flame Long Gown: 1x222519 (1.515%)
Impressive Gloves: 1x222534 (1.515%)
Blue Pearl Belt: 1x222558 (1.515%)
Bright Star Hood: 1x222575 (1.515%)
Book of the Oracle: 1x222593 (1.515%)
Green Stone Shield: 1x222607 (1.515%)
Rainbow Cape: 1x222616 (1.515%)
Cold Sky Gloves: 1x222636 (1.515%)
Smelted Shoulder Armor: 1x222669 (1.515%)
Boots of the Gale: 1x222676 (1.515%)
Speedy Leg Guards: 1x222447 (1.515%)
Golden Ember Shoulder Guards: 1x222470 (1.515%)
Morning Moon Leather Helmet: 1x222491 (1.515%)
Mortal World Pants: 1x222503 (1.515%)
Gauze Long Gown: 1x222520 (1.515%)
Jade Thunder Shoulder Guards: 1x222541 (1.515%)
Shining Purple Boots: 1x222567 (1.515%)
Holy Turban: 1x222576 (1.515%)
Savior's Sting: 1x222594 (1.515%)
Blazing Cape: 1x222612 (1.515%)
Refined Leg Guards: 1x222622 (1.515%)
Black Demon Gloves: 1x222637 (1.515%)
Cold Light Shoulder Armor: 1x222670 (1.515%)
Bright Day Leather Armor: 1x222456 (1.515%)
Bright Purple Belt: 1x222478 (1.515%)
Blue Jade Pants: 1x222499 (1.515%)
Tranquility Robe: 1x222516 (1.515%)
Dark Spirit Gloves: 1x222531 (1.515%)
Beautiful Purple Belt: 1x222555 (1.515%)
Wind-chaser Boots: 1x222568 (1.515%)
Night Flame Hood: 1x222577 (1.515%)
Red Flame Shield: 1x222604 (1.515%)
Blazing Cape: 1x222612 (1.515%)
Green Forest Leg Guards: 1x222623 (1.515%)
Boots of Morning Sky: 1x222653 (1.515%)
Ribbed Belt: 1x222672 (1.515%)
Purple Leather Armor: 1x222457 (1.515%)
Silver Light Leather Cap: 1x222488 (1.515%)
Jade Green Pants: 1x222500 (1.515%)
Purple Long Gown: 1x222517 (1.515%)
Wasteland Gloves: 1x222532 (1.515%)
Ancient Engraving Belt: 1x222556 (1.515%)
Tempest Boots: 1x222569 (1.515%)
Burning Blood Scepter: 1x222591 (1.515%)
Full Moon Shield: 1x222605 (1.515%)
Grass GreenCape: 1x222614 (1.515%)
Red Copper Leg Guards: 1x222624 (1.515%)
Perished Culture Boots: 1x222654 (1.515%)
Unreal Wind Belt: 1x222673 (1.515%)
Blue Star Leather Armor: 1x222458 (1.515%)
Jade Grained Leather Helmet: 1x222489 (1.515%)
Bright Red Pants: 1x222501 (1.515%)
Spirit Gown: 1x222518 (1.515%)
Child's Snow Gloves: 1x222533 (1.515%)
Unreal Blue Belt: 1x222557 (1.515%)
Weaved Feather Hat: 1x222574 (1.515%)
Sacred Horn of the Whitefurs: 1x222592 (1.515%)
Stone Horn Wooden Shield: 1x222606 (1.515%)
Snow Storm Cape: 1x222615 (1.515%)
Ethereal Voice Leg Guards: 1x222625 (1.515%)
Rock Solid Shoulder Armor: 1x222668 (1.515%)
Boots of the Eagle Beak: 1x222675 (1.515%)
UI+Sys (0)Purple Leg Guards: 1x222448 (1.927%)
Purple Lined Fine Belt: 1x222479 (1.923%)
Dreamer's Trousers: 1x222507 (1.923%)
Robe with Barbarian Pattern: 1x222525 (1.923%)
Ice Blue Shoulder Guards: 1x222545 (1.923%)
Swift Hawk Boots: 1x222573 (1.923%)
Holy Glory Shield: 1x222608 (1.923%)
Ash Grey Chainmail: 1x222633 (1.923%)
Moon Crown Belt: 1x222647 (1.923%)
Blazing Armor: 1x222664 (1.923%)
Gloomy Sky Helm: 1x222679 (1.923%)
Red Leg Guards: 1x222449 (1.923%)
Wasteland Boots: 1x222487 (1.923%)
Blue Robe with Red Ornaments: 1x222521 (1.923%)
Frost Gloves: 1x222535 (1.923%)
Purple Butterfly Belt: 1x222559 (1.923%)
Tall Red Hat: 1x222578 (1.923%)
Crystal Blue Butterfly Shield: 1x222609 (1.923%)
Unreality Gloves: 1x222638 (1.923%)
Eagle Feather Belt: 1x222648 (1.923%)
Starry Morning Scale Gauntlets: 1x222666 (1.923%)
Solid Round Shield: 1x223526 (1.923%)
Wrinkled Leather Armor: 1x222459 (1.923%)
Blue Morning Pants: 1x222504 (1.923%)
Robe of Violence: 1x222522 (1.923%)
Bright Red Flame Gloves: 1x222536 (1.923%)
Boots of Loneliness: 1x222570 (1.923%)
White Soul Hood: 1x222579 (1.923%)
Snow Spirit Cape: 1x222617 (1.923%)
Wasteland Shoulder Guards: 1x222640 (1.923%)
White Moon Boots: 1x222655 (1.923%)
Blood and Flames Scale Gauntlets: 1x222667 (1.923%)
Red Ring Handguards: 1x222466 (1.923%)
Burning Blood Pants: 1x222505 (1.923%)
Mulberry Jacket: 1x222523 (1.923%)
Frostbreaking Shoulder Guards: 1x222543 (1.923%)
Heaven's Blessing Boots: 1x222571 (1.923%)
Cold Green Hood: 1x222580 (1.923%)
Crimson Lotus Chainmail: 1x222630 (1.923%)
Dust Devil Shoulder Guards: 1x222641 (1.923%)
Stone Leg Guards: 1x222661 (1.923%)
Ice Blue Helm: 1x222677 (1.923%)
Star Chaser Shoulder Guards: 1x222471 (1.923%)
Fallen Leaves Pants: 1x222506 (1.923%)
Wilderness Coat: 1x222524 (1.923%)
Blood Red Shoulder Guards: 1x222544 (1.923%)
Boots of Burning Fire: 1x222572 (1.923%)
Holy Pearl Scepter: 1x222595 (1.923%)
Blue Gleam Chainmail: 1x222631 (1.923%)
Clear Mile Shoulder Guards: 1x222642 (1.923%)
Dull Blue Armor: 1x222663 (1.923%)
Moonlight Helm: 1x222678 (1.923%)
UI+Sys (0)Rune Warrior's Spaulders: 1x223303 (20%)
Ring of Steel Will: 1x223306 (10%)
Regin Control Loop: 1x223304 (11.5%)
Rune Warrior's Giant Hammer: 1x211648 (10%)
Boots of the Eternal Guardian: 1x223305 (20%)
Steel Rune Core Necklace: 1x223302 (18.5%)
Lion-Face Round Shield: 1x223501 (10%)
UI+Sys (0)Shield of Yusalien: 1x223307 (18.575%)
Wand of the Lake Master: 1x211614 (14.285%)
Petrified Chain Belt: 1x223308 (14.285%)
Rune Warrior's Large Helmet: 1x223539 (10%)
Lake Water Purification Gloves: 1x223309 (14.285%)
Claw of Lake-Bottom Destruction: 1x223310 (14.285%)
Resentful Lake Master's Leg Guards: 1x223311 (14.285%)
none (1)Underwater Raid Gloves: 1x223314 (11.112%)
Evil Dragon Boots: 1x223543 (11.111%)
Scalok Hidden Boots: 1x223313 (11.111%)
Acolyte's Gown: 1x223550 (11.111%)
Locatha's Waistcloth: 1x223312 (11.111%)
Rune Warrior's Chain Armor: 1x223535 (11.111%)
Fin Dagger: 1x211615 (11.111%)
Rune Warrior's Boots: 1x223538 (11.111%)
Eye of Locatha Necklace: 1x223315 (11.111%)
UI+Sys (0)Wine Cask Hoop: 1x223317 (10%)
Banquet Cloak: 1x223321 (10%)
Goddess of Art's Glass: 1x223316 (10%)
Hammer of Cask Smiting: 1x211616 (10%)
Disciple's Shoulder Guards: 1x223318 (10%)
Wand of the Artful Gusher: 1x211649 (10%)
Drunken Swaying Boots: 1x223319 (10%)
Evil Dragon Leg Protector: 1x223542 (10%)
Loyal Disciple's Leather Coat: 1x223320 (10%)
Acolyte's Hood: 1x223548 (10%)
UI+Sys (0)Ensia's Blessing: 1x223322 (11.112%)
Kalin Necklace: 1x223326 (11.111%)
Divine Crossbow: 1x211617 (11.111%)
Poem of Art Pants: 1x223327 (11.111%)
Deep Quiet Tearstains Earring: 1x223323 (11.111%)
Evil Dragon Gauntlets: 1x223541 (11.111%)
Muse's Sorrow Earring: 1x223324 (11.111%)
Acolyte's Ghost Claw: 1x223549 (11.111%)
Goddess Shoulder Pads: 1x223325 (11.111%)
UI+Sys (0)Dark Mage's Honor Hat: 1x223328 (10%)
Evil Dragon Staff: 1x211622 (10%)
Regin's Right-handed Suneater: 1x211618 (20%)
Regin's Left-handed Moonslayer: 1x211619 (20%)
Regin's Staff: 1x211620 (20%)
Ring of Insight: 1x223329 (20%)
UI+Sys (0)Ash Wood: 1x200293 (10%)
Frost Rune: 1x200851 (10%)
Zinc Ore: 1x200230 (10%)
Activate Rune: 1x200852 (10%)
Tin Ore: 1x200232 (10%)
Disenchant Rune: 1x200853 (10%)
Willow Wood: 1x200295 (10%)
Purify Rune: 1x200854 (10%)
Link Rune: 1x200850 (10%)
Blend Rune: 1x200855 (10%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (100%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (90%)
: 1x721208 (10%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (80%)
: 1x721208 (20%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (70%)
: 1x721208 (30%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (60%)
: 1x721208 (40%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (90%)
: 1x721208 (10%)
UI+Sys (0): 1x724192 (75%)
: 1x721208 (20%)
: 1x721856 (5%)

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