ID: 123762

Name: Allen Ferknor
Description: Second Phase Officer
NPCText: [SC_AC2_Q2_0|Hello, I'm a member of Ailic's Community and am working on the second phase.

Now that the mages of the Eye of Wisdom have completed the reconstruction of the Arcanium Chamber, it's our task to create an entrance for the Temple to the Ancient Spirits. Well, we call it an "entrance", but the plan is far more complicated than that. In order to build a connection to the Temple to the Ancient Spirits and open it, special runic instruments will be necessary. We need a huge amount of runes and special materials to create these runic instruments. Naturally we've already made requests to the Phirius Workshops, but we need such great volumes that we're reliant on the assistance of adventurers to complete this phase. We're also going to cast a blessing from the ancient secret writings to thank the adventurers for their loyal support.

So, what do you say?]

Type: normal(0)
Level: 0+-0
Speed: 0
Searchrange: 0
Followrange: 0

Respawn: 00:00:00
XP: 0
TP: 0

HP: 144
MP: 104
PATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MATK: 28
MDEF: 28