result count: 4

100202 - 572186
Through necromancy, these corpses have been reanimated into what the populace calls zombies. They have no consciousness of their own, retaining only a remnant of their more base instincts. Although their strength is great, they move very slowly.
Elite (2)
Lv: 22+0
Forsaken Abbey (102)
>2364, 308, 2773
>(30, 58)
Blend Rune
HP: 4.837
PATK: 808
MATK: 750
PDEF: 828
MDEF: 837
PDMG: 221
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 418
tp: 2.089
723980 (20%)
724922 (20%)
721907 (15%)
720065 (10%)
724169 (10%)
722251 (6.064%)
722863 (6.064%)
723951 (6.064%)
720011 (3%)
220046 Bloodrust Leg Guards (1.04%)
220044 Piecemeal Chainmail (1.04%)
770090 Card - Zombie (0.1%)
100653 - 572193
Through external factors or an extraordinary amount of inherent magic power, a zombie occasionally transforms into a ghoul. Their strength, intellect, and agility are completely unlike a zombie and the same goes for their malevolence.
Elite (2)
Lv: 22+2
Blend Rune
HP: 4.533
PATK: 666
MATK: 282
PDEF: 786
MDEF: 364
PDMG: 197
Respawn: 01:00:00
xp: 418
tp: 2.089
720094 (50%)
724169 (10%)
722251 (6.064%)
723645 (6.064%)
723951 (6.064%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
721907 (0.832%)
770091 Card - Ghoul (0.1%)
100726 - 572167
Taylin Fishbone
"I was attacked by Valley Dwarves. They beat me unconscious! When I woke up, I found that my stuff that was in the parcel was scattered all over. The important books and scrolls were still there, as were my personal things. Some smaller items are missing, though," explained the adventurer from The Distillery Tavern.
Boss (4)
Lv: 22+0
Activate Rune
HP: 211.114
PATK: 1.734
MATK: 3.002
PDEF: 837
MDEF: 837
PDMG: 960
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 4.179
tp: 208.948
722251 (200%)
722319 (200%)
722455 (200%)
720178 (200%)
720025 (200%)
240674 Taylin Fishbone's Spirit Crystal (200%)
721234 (5.2%)
720095 (5%)
770218 Card - Taylin Fishbone (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
551175 (1%)
205694 Dead Taylin Fishbone (1%)
210693 Hammer of Taylin's Fishbone (0.26%)
721906 (0%)
101099 - 572167
Boss (4)
Lv: 56+0
Activate Rune
HP: 903.485
PATK: 8.439
MATK: 10.690
PDEF: 4.063
MDEF: 4.073
PDMG: 2.810
Respawn: 08:00:00
xp: 31.361
tp: 1.568.025
722251 (200%)
722319 (200%)
722455 (200%)
720178 (200%)
720025 (100%)
220047 Boneshatter Shoulder Guards (100%)
721234 (5.2%)
720095 (5%)
770218 Card - Taylin Fishbone (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
210693 Hammer of Taylin's Fishbone (0.26%)
721906 (0%)