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100031 - 572640
Valley Slob
They maintain their original way of life, a simple and rough individualism which has always been of the more careless kind.
normal (1)
Lv: 19+1
Aslan Valley (4)
>-3292, -155, 11705
>(67, 3)
Activate Rune
HP: 1.039
PATK: 262
MATK: 131
PDEF: 520
MDEF: 570
PDMG: 131
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 72
tp: 72
720140 (5%)
720094 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722216 (2.204%)
723950 (2.204%)
720177 (2.204%)
721906 (1.329%)
211363 Hammer of Humiliation (1.322%)
550259 (0.331%)
770239 Card - Valley Slob (0.1%)
100054 - 570165
Wolf Cub
Not yet fully grown, these wolves are curious about their surroundings. They are not as powerful as their fully-grown cousins.
normal (1)
Lv: 2+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-1037, 92, -8237
>(48, 65)
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 18
MATK: 39
PDEF: 62
MDEF: 23
PDMG: 22
Respawn: 00:00:25
xp: 32
tp: 32
720140 (5%)
720091 (5%)
722244 (4.583%)
722958 (4.583%)
723400 (4.583%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
211408 Heavy Sword (2.75%)
721900 (2%)
770004 Card - Wolf Cub (0.1%)
100061 - 570239
A wild boar possessing extremely long, sharp tusks and immense muscle. Combined with their powerful awareness, boars are dangerous animals.
normal (1)
Lv: 7+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-1730, 16, -3931
>(43, 21)
Link Rune
HP: 403
PATK: 65
MATK: 95
PDEF: 205
MDEF: 175
PDMG: 51
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 40
tp: 40
720061 (75%)
203466 Slippery Boar Oil (50%)
722314 (5.694%)
722790 (5.694%)
723028 (5.694%)
720092 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
721902 (2.733%)
210142 Bent Branch (0.261%)
770010 Card - Boar (0.1%)
100063 - 570001
A powerful beast with a taste for flesh. With virtually limitless strength, the mighty bear uses its strong and nimble claws to gather its food... and to smash the skull of any enemy into pieces.
normal (1)
Lv: 8+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-1831, 34, -3693
>(42, 18)
Purify Rune
HP: 462
PATK: 75
MATK: 107
PDEF: 235
MDEF: 205
PDMG: 57
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 42
tp: 42

>101280 Beruda Lize (1%)
720063 (75%)
722348 (5.222%)
722892 (5.222%)
723368 (5.222%)
720092 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222618 Colorful Leg Guards (2.75%)
721902 (2.733%)
770009 Card - Bear (0.1%)
100118 - 570031
Wild Spider
A spider commonly seen in forests. Unable to create spiderwebs, they hunt down and chase their prey.
normal (1)
Lv: 5+3
Howling Mountains (1)
>-3660, 1, -5894
>(28, 41)
Blend Rune
HP: 294
PATK: 46
MATK: 72
PDEF: 147
MDEF: 117
PDMG: 40
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 36
tp: 36
720062 (75%)
722687 (5.37%)
722891 (5.37%)
723503 (5.37%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
211344 Thin Blade (2.833%)
721901 (2.3%)
770008 Card - Wild Spider (0.1%)
100132 - 571014
Cow Beetle
Named for the cow patterns that cover its body, the cow beetle belongs to the giant beetle class.
normal (1)
Lv: 8+3
Silverspring (2)
>-123, 38, -1009
>(35, 94)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 483
PATK: 79
MATK: 107
PDEF: 249
MDEF: 252
PDMG: 58
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 42
tp: 42
720077 (80%)
722654 (5.222%)
722790 (5.222%)
723946 (5.222%)
720092 (5%)
204531 Magic Hormone (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222452 Light Purple Leather Armor (2.944%)
721902 (2.733%)
770026 Card - Cow Beetle (0.1%)
100133 - 570133
normal (1)
Lv: 2+3
Link Rune
HP: 106
PATK: 18
MATK: 39
PDEF: 42
MDEF: 116
Respawn: 00:00:30
xp: 32
tp: 32
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100136 - 576437
The Fungi belong to the spirits of the woods. They can use weapons and magic and are quite mysterious.
normal (1)
Lv: 1+0
Howling Mountains (1)
>-2891, 252, -9456
>(34, 78)
Purify Rune
HP: 112
PATK: 14
MATK: 28
PDEF: 43
MDEF: 22
PDMG: 16
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 30
tp: 30
201168 Mushroom Stem (80%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
722244 (4.583%)
722958 (4.583%)
723434 (4.583%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222492 Student's Apron (2.75%)
721900 (2%)
770000 (0.1%)
100148 - 573884
Swift Shadow
A small demon beast raised by the Zurhidon. Although it moves at great speed, it lacks power and intelligence, restricting it to a support role in the empire - being a lookout and assisting others.
normal (1)
Lv: 35+0
Blend Rune
HP: 2.384
PATK: 646
MATK: 277
PDEF: 1.272
MDEF: 1.397
PDMG: 220
Respawn: 00:05:00
xp: 16
tp: 2

>100144 Swift Shadow (50%)
>100148 Swift Shadow (50%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
721909 (0.571%)
770133 Card - Swift Shadow (0.1%)
201533 Little Magic Biscuit (0.01%)
100156 - 571707
Wilt-leaf Bat
This bat lives in the forest, spending most of its time gathering dead leaves to build its nest.
normal (1)
Lv: 5+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-3408, -1, -6099
>(30, 43)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 294
PATK: 46
MATK: 72
PDEF: 147
MDEF: 117
PDMG: 40
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 36
tp: 36
722211 (5.37%)
722789 (5.37%)
723027 (5.37%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222441 Simple Leg Guards (2.833%)
721901 (2.733%)
210180 Hammer of the Mother's Instructions (0.261%)
770007 Card - Wilt-leaf Bat (0.1%)
100186 - 570016
normal (1)
Lv: 2+3
Link Rune
HP: 138
PATK: 31
MATK: 30
PDEF: 80
MDEF: 110
Respawn: 00:00:10
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100189 - 570131
White Horse
normal (1)
Lv: 3+2
Link Rune
HP: 163
PATK: 20
MATK: 45
PDEF: 97
MDEF: 148
Respawn: 00:00:10
720011 (5%)
100190 - 570134
normal (1)
Lv: 1+3
Link Rune
HP: 142
PATK: 24
MATK: 28
PDEF: 84
MDEF: 84
Respawn: 00:00:10
720011 (5%)
100192 - 570026
Milk Cow
normal (1)
Lv: 4+2
Link Rune
HP: 181
PATK: 22
MATK: 60
PDEF: 110
MDEF: 181
PDMG: 10
Respawn: 00:00:10
720011 (5%)
100204 - 572162
A powerful beast with a taste for flesh. With virtually limitless strength, the mighty bear uses its strong and nimble claws to gather its food... and to smash the skull of any enemy into pieces.
normal (1)
Lv: 6+2
Purify Rune
HP: 347
PATK: 55
MATK: 83
PDEF: 175
MDEF: 145
PDMG: 46
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 38
tp: 38
720063 (80%)
722449 (5.555%)
723027 (5.555%)
723503 (5.555%)
720092 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
222596 Laurel Wood Shield (2.833%)
721901 (2.733%)
770009 Card - Bear (0.1%)
100208 - 570667
Dead Tree Demon Spider
A giant spider hidden deep within the Dead Tree Cave in the Howling Mountains. This creature is under the control of Pirlanok's evil spell, and will only be released in death.
normal (1)
Lv: 6+2
Howling Mountains (1)
>-4507, 8, -5947
>(21, 42)
Blend Rune
HP: 366
PATK: 60
MATK: 83
PDEF: 189
MDEF: 192
PDMG: 46
Respawn: 00:02:30
xp: 38
tp: 38
722551 (5.555%)
722551 (5.555%)
723401 (5.555%)
720092 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
211423 Strong Short Hammer (2.875%)
721901 (2.3%)
770013 Card - Dead Tree Demon Spider (0.1%)
100238 - 0
normal (1)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100239 - 0
normal (1)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100240 - 0
Bar Owner
normal (1)
Lv: 1+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100241 - 0
normal (1)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100242 - 0
normal (1)
Lv: 0+0
Link Rune
HP: 144
PATK: 28
MATK: 28
PDEF: 28
MDEF: 28
Respawn: 00:00:00
720011 (5%)
100276 - 572687
Winternight Ice Witch
Winternight Ice Witches are a type of ice spirit of the more formidable kind.

Its body can actually be considered to be made partially of ice. Since the elemental power of ice is often influenced and changed by the climate, the element of ice must strengthen and solidify an area's elemental power through the release of ice spirits. It is said that such an ice spirit must be present in those places with snow that does not melt.
normal (1)
Lv: 35+2
Ystra Highlands (5)
>-19894, 1240, -4878
>(23, 48)
Frost Rune
HP: 3.179
PATK: 548
MATK: 495
PDEF: 1.487
MDEF: 2.428
PDMG: 223
Respawn: 00:02:00
xp: 158
tp: 158

>101342 Aisha (0.03%)
720098 (5%)
720141 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722290 (0.667%)
722698 (0.667%)
722868 (0.667%)
222533 Child's Snow Gloves (0.4%)
721912 (0.32%)
204866 Ice Fragment (0.2%)
220820 Book of Infinity (0.1%)
770115 Card - Winternight Ice Witch (0.1%)
550668 (0.1%)
100280 - 571014
Whirlwind Beetle
They are a kind of giant beetle and can whirl up a stormwind to hurt enemies closeby.
normal (1)
Lv: 11+3
Silverspring (2)
>2850, -25, 4624
>(51, 54)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 684
PATK: 112
MATK: 144
PDEF: 349
MDEF: 353
PDMG: 101
Respawn: 00:01:00
xp: 49
tp: 49
720077 (80%)
203782 Luminous Emblem (80%)
720093 (5%)
720140 (5%)
722213 (3.611%)
722621 (3.611%)
722757 (3.611%)
720011 (3%)
723979 (3%)
211333 Savage Short Axe (2.167%)
721903 (1.967%)
220776 Modified Beetle Shell (0.522%)
550621 (0.522%)
770232 Card - Whirlwind Beetle (0.1%)
100326 - 570165
normal (1)
Lv: 1+2
Link Rune
HP: 112
PATK: 15
MATK: 20
PDEF: 58
MDEF: 84
Respawn: 00:00:25
xp: 30
tp: 30
720087 (80%)
720091 (60%)
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100329 - 574700
Wasteland Skipper
"Mammy, look! This butterfly has a tail!" - Children's words.
normal (1)
Lv: 47+3
Ravenfell (3)
>9309, 224, 8749
>(26, 43)
Disenchant Rune
HP: 5.630
PATK: 472
MATK: 1.234
PDEF: 2.285
MDEF: 4.098
PDMG: 281
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 283
tp: 283
202002 Soul Dust of a Skipper (35%)
203709 Essence of Wasteland Skipper (35%)
720142 (5%)
722157 (3.5%)
720011 (3%)
723982 (3%)
722191 (2%)
724185 (1.5%)
724180 (1%)
720100 (1%)
770493 Card - Wasteland Skipper (0.1%)
100330 - 570165
normal (1)
Lv: 2+2
Link Rune
HP: 138
PATK: 22
MATK: 28
PDEF: 80
MDEF: 110
PDMG: 11
Respawn: 00:00:25
xp: 32
tp: 32
720087 (80%)
720091 (60%)
720011 (5%)
720021 (5%)
100375 - 576439
Fungus Guard
The Fungi belong to the spirits of the woods. Usually people refer to the stronger Fungi as Fungus Guards, but it isn't clear yet if the Fungi really have some kind of military organisation
normal (1)
Lv: 3+2
Purify Rune
HP: 204
PATK: 38
MATK: 49
PDEF: 95
MDEF: 110
PDMG: 29
Respawn: 00:00:20
xp: 33
tp: 33

>100052 Fungus (50%)
>100376 Fungus Captain (50%)
201168 Mushroom Stem (80%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
722244 (4.722%)
722890 (4.722%)
723944 (4.722%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
721900 (2%)
550288 (0.719%)
770001 Card - Fungus Guard (0.1%)
100376 - 576438
Fungus Captain
The Fungi belong to the spirits of the woods. Fungus Captains are Commanders of the Fungus Guards, but this is also a designation given by humans.
normal (1)
Lv: 5+2
Purify Rune
HP: 299
PATK: 55
MATK: 72
PDEF: 148
MDEF: 163
PDMG: 31
Respawn: 00:00:20
xp: 36
tp: 36

>100052 Fungus (80%)
>100377 Hillarzu the First (20%)
201168 Mushroom Stem (80%)
720089 (17.08%)
722313 (5.37%)
722449 (5.37%)
723367 (5.37%)
720092 (5%)
720140 (5%)
720011 (3%)
770002 Card - Fungus Captain (3%)
723978 (3%)
721900 (2%)
100437 - 573932
Mummified Woman
A female warrior of the Order of Dark Glory that died in battle. Still believing that she is fighting a war, her soul has been bound to the field of battle, and is unable to make its way towards the underworld.
normal (1)
Lv: 45+2
Dust Devil Canyon (6)
>-15331, 119, 10575
>(54, 45)
Blend Rune
HP: 4.229
PATK: 1.074
MATK: 471
PDEF: 2.155
MDEF: 2.433
PDMG: 309
Respawn: 00:06:00
xp: 257
tp: 257

>100451 Shaman Yeda (5%)
>100662 Male Withered Soul (50%)
720099 (5%)
720142 (5%)
720011 (3%)
723980 (3%)
722326 (0.667%)
722462 (0.667%)
723074 (0.667%)
222459 Wrinkled Leather Armor (0.4%)
721914 (0.32%)
220745 Order of Dark Glory Gauntlets (0.1%)
770203 Card - Mummified Woman (0.1%)
550749 (0.1%)
100452 - 576437
The Fungi belong to the spirits of the woods. They can use weapons and magic and are quite mysterious.
normal (1)
Lv: 1+0
Howling Mountains (1)
>-3150, 176, -7825
>(32, 61)
Purify Rune
HP: 82
MATK: 18
PDEF: 26
MDEF: 29
Respawn: 00:00:20
xp: 30
tp: 30

>100375 Fungus Guard (0.2%)
>100052 Fungus (80%)
201168 Mushroom Stem (80%)
720091 (5%)
720140 (5%)
722278 (4.167%)
722652 (4.167%)
722686 (4.167%)
720011 (3%)
723978 (3%)
211376 Wild Thorn Long Staff (2.75%)
721900 (2%)
220149 Pioneer Trousers (0.286%)
770000 (0.1%)

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