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Howling Mountains (1)
-3497, 206, -8609
x: 29
y: 69
420624 Drinking Lake Water
420625 Filtering Carbon Stone
110051Highly-skilled Doctor
Howling Mountains (1)
-778, 45, -5870
x: 50
y: 41
420066 Dead Tree Cave Samples
420067 I've Got a Bad Feeling About This...
420075 Gathering Spider Venom
420472 Reason Behind the Kobold Survival
420069 Agnes' Trouble
Howling Mountains (1)
-641, 27, -6022
x: 51
y: 42
420093 Strange Request
420486 A Beautiful Necklace
420102 Patterns Everywhere
420679 Assist the Mayor
Howling Mountains (1)
-678, 22, -6093
x: 51
y: 43
420487 Hide and Seek
Howling Mountains (1)
-948, 32, -6044
x: 49
y: 43
420068 A Bit Worrying
420087 Strength of the Seal
420070 Things That Go Bump in the Night
Howling Mountains (1)
-1378, -27, -4993
x: 45
y: 32
420064 The Lost Supplies
420680 Supply Status
Howling Mountains (1)
-795, 28, -6087
x: 50
y: 43
420094 Not Your Grandmother's Soup
Howling Mountains (1)
-241, 13, -6115
x: 54
y: 43
Howling Mountains (1)
-3096, -16, -5466
x: 32
y: 37
420080 Sharlin's Report
420086 Preparation
420090 Dion and the Spear of Logar
420078 Plant Mutations
Howling Mountains (1)
-1921, -12, -4670
x: 41
y: 28
420469 Delayed Supplies
420470 Eliminate the Kobold Scouts
420473 Weapon and Equipment Repair
420477 Lost Company Member
420478 Bloody Rune
Howling Mountains (1)
-4304, 98, -6035
x: 23
y: 43
420082 Safe and Sound
420088 Destruction of the Gathering Magic
Howling Mountains (1)
-2517, 54, -3717
x: 37
y: 19
420096 Lost Clues
420097 Return of the Letter
Howling Mountains (1)
-1348, 248, -9983
x: 46
y: 83
420458 Gil's New Miner
420459 Lost Material
420460 Warning
420461 Thinning the Herd
420462 Goblin Warning
Howling Mountains (1)
-3672, 232, -8752
x: 28
y: 71
Howling Mountains (1)
-3628, 203, -8558
x: 28
y: 69
Howling Mountains (1)
-3647, 230, -8734
x: 28
y: 71
420670 Making Winter Clothes
420671 Progress Update
Howling Mountains (1)
-3683, 206, -8492
x: 27
y: 68
Howling Mountains (1)
-3497, 221, -8806
x: 29
y: 71
Howling Mountains (1)
-262, 13, -6109
x: 54
y: 43
420081 A Father's Distress
420095 Milaya's Origin
420098 A Necklace is a Girl's Best Friend
420103 Final Clue
420482 A Letter from Varanas
420516 Check in with the Adventurers' Guild
420727 Golden Statue Auction
420651 Meet the Warrior Instructor
420652 Meet the Scout Instructor
420838 House Maid
420653 Meet the Rogue Instructor
420654 Meet the Mage Instructor
420655 Meet the Priest Instructor
420656 Meet the Knight Instructor
110079Aberrant plant
Howling Mountains (1)
-4054, 18, -6008
x: 25
y: 42
420078 Plant Mutations
110080Full Grain Bag
Howling Mountains (1)
-1048, -20, -3895
x: 48
y: 20
420064 The Lost Supplies
110083Garrison Member
Howling Mountains (1)
-3108, -10, -5490
x: 32
y: 37
110084Garrison Member
Howling Mountains (1)
633, 44, -5306
x: 61
y: 35
110091Magic Stone Circle
Howling Mountains (1)
-3102, -5, -3717
x: 32
y: 19
110092Magic gathering point
Howling Mountains (1)
-5710, -103, -6622
x: 12
y: 49
420088 Destruction of the Gathering Magic
110093Bucket for fetching water
Howling Mountains (1)
-3727, 200, -9092
x: 27
y: 74
420494 strings
420624 Drinking Lake Water
110095Ore Stack
Howling Mountains (1)
-4850, 227, -8056
x: 18
y: 64
420625 Filtering Carbon Stone
Howling Mountains (1)
-304, 6, -6307
x: 54
y: 45
Howling Mountains (1)
-4377, 193, -8469
x: 22
y: 68
110433Full Grain Bag
Howling Mountains (1)
-1061, 80, -4769
x: 48
y: 29
420064 The Lost Supplies

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