result count: 6

ST_110004_0What is a warrior? This is not an easy question to answer. Basically, people who can fight are warriors. Us guardsmen have had to go through rigorous training and are well-trained in many forms of combat. This is warrior training. \n\nWe don't have the magical skills of a knight, but we do have weapons and great fighting spirit. I recommend warriors not to wear plate armor, because it hinders your movements and makes it difficult to use the special abilities of your weapons. Warriors mostly use shields and chainmail.\n\nYou see, we warriors don't have very elegant fighting techniques! We train in a wide variety of martial skills, but that doesn't mean that we're mindless brutes. Party fighting has many aspects to it and warriors are one of those. We're not only the main attackers, but we also have tactical importance.\n\nWhen all is said and done, the difference between life and death depends on our technique and courage.
Sys110004_shortnoteSenior Warrior; provides warriors with trial quests.
Sys110004_szquestnpctextHello! Adventurer! I am Walker, Drillmaster of the Guard of Varanas! I also help the Adventurers' Association teach warrior skills to the traveling adventurers.
Sys110004_titlenameWarrior Instructor