result count: 6

SO_110049_1Introduction to the Auction House
ST_110049_1The Auction House is the place where adventures can exchange their items.\n\nIf you acquire some valuable items, such as weapons, equipment or Runes, you can sell them at the Auction House. Similarly, if you need something, you may find it there too.\n\nAll of the goods here are provided by adventurers. The prices may not always be favorable, but there is a great variety. If go there often enough, you're bound to find a high quality item at a great price.
Sys110049_shortnoteAuction House boss. Smart, capable and experienced, he is the heart and soul of the Auction House.
Sys110049_szquestnpctextHail, traveler! This is the Auction House of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]. Our main duty here is to provide a place where you can auction items for free. If you're looking to buy or sell something, make sure you come take a look here first!