result count: 13

SC_110068_0How can I let Gyor understand my heart?
SO_110068_0Habits of the Fungi
SO_110068_1About moving.
SO_110068_3I know how to move.
ST_110068_0The fungi in this area like shiny items. If they see something shining, they'll want to swallow it.\n\nSo... I think the pearl I lost must have been eaten by a fungus.
ST_110068_1I think it's time that you know how to perform basic movements. Here, let me explain.\n\nIf you want to move, press "W", "S", "A" and "D" on the keyboard to move forward, backward, left and right, respectively. Press the spacebar to jump. If you want to change the direction the character is facing, hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse left or right. If you want to adjust the viewing angle, hold the left mouse button and move the mouse.
ST_110068_2Welcome to Candara. This is Hidden Valley.
Sys110068_szquestnpctextWhat a pity! If we could just find a few more pearls, [110656|Meryl], the clothier, could mend it good as new...