result count: 8

SC_110073_0Ugh! I'm so exhausted! So much work to do!
SO_110073_1I want to learn how to use emotes.
SO_110073_EXITLeave dialogue
ST_110073_1First I will teach you how to use emotes. If you want to say something to those around you, simple press the "Enter" key to bring up the input bar. After you have typed your message, press "Enter" again to make your text appear in the message box. When you see your message, that means those around you heard it!\n\nI will also teach you how to use the private channel.\nThere are several tabs above the dialogue box that provide various information according to your needs. If you want to create your own personal channel, right-click on a tab and choose "Create New Tab." Then select the channel you want to receive to create a unique information window.\nYou can also use the "Rename" function to change the name of your new channel.
Sys110073_shortnoteNPC for tutoring the beginner on how to use emotes, communicate with other players, and set up and use channels.
Sys110073_szquestnpctextAlas, busy, busy, busy...