result count: 19

SO_110176_0Leave dialogue
SO_110176_1Do you know an ambassador from the Order of Dark Glory called Luanda?
SO_110176_2Fine! How much is it all together?
SO_110176_3Take it! Did you see where he went?
SO_110176_4Please be quiet! This kind of stuff can turn into a serious international affair!
SO_110176_5Please tell me where Luanda is again.
SO_110176_6Let me think about it.
SO_110176_7Next time! I don't have much money either...
SO_110176_8Thank you for your message.
ST_110176_0Welcome! Please tell me what you wish to eat or drink! I will prepare them for you right away!
ST_110176_1The ambassador to the Order of Dark Glory? Arrggh! I get angry just hearing about him!\nYesterday there was someone here from the Order of Dark Glory, drinking 'til it leaked from his pores. Finally had to throw him out at closing time. Then it turns out he didn't even have enough money to pay for all the wine he drank!\nI'm not telling you a thing about him until his tab is paid for.
ST_110176_2350 Gold.
ST_110176_3I don't care where he went!
ST_110176_4What important diplomatic affair? He must have fallen down somewhere. You can probably find that drunk in the back of some house or in a ditch.
ST_110176_5Go to the edge of Lower City East. That drunk would probably want to go somewhere he can be alone, strange as he is...
Sys110176_shortnoteManager of the Varanas pub. Being frank and outspoken is both his strength and his weakness.
Sys110176_titlenameBar Owner