result count: 10

SAY_110242_0Look at this beautiful Ancient Sabre-toothed Tiger! That it has be so well preserved is a miracle of nature.
SAY_110242_1Also...I suspect... This kitten is still alive...
SAY_110242_2Here it is! It's here!
SAY_110242_3I needed [200732|Fire-eyed Snow Ferret Oil] all along to help the combustion... It's not hard to come by, but it's troublesome.
SAY_110242_4Great! The ice wall has melted!
Sys110242_shortnoteFamous scholar of the Order of Dark Glory. He has devoted his life to the research of ancient living things.
Sys110242_szquestnpctext(He's focused intently on the thing before him - you're not even sure if he's noticed you)