result count: 8

SC_110243_0Tell me everything you know about the guardian.
SC_110243_1I would like to listen to the information about the guardian.
SC_110243_2After the Great Banishment, the humans took the immense power then at their behest and created the Guardians, to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. These were flawless golems capable to act independently upon their own judgment and they possessed enormous powers no one could resist.\n\nHumans used these guardians to seek and kill any remaining demons and guard over the seal to the void. The guardians also watched over the artifacts the demons left behind and punished people who wanted to abuse the magic of the runes again.\n\nHowever, some mistakes during the creation of the guardians led them to regard anyone of the ancients who held runic or magic powers as a target. They indiscriminately killed scores of people and, finally, the Ancient Kingdoms were destroyed by their own creation...
Sys110243_szquestdoingtextWe meet again, adventurer.\nDon't mind that I forgot your name. What's important is what one can do and what one can become, not his name or appearance.
Sys110243_szquestnpctextWelcome, adventurer.\nI am [110243|Marisus], Secretary General of the Eye of Wisdom. People call me 'Boss' in private. I am currently forty-three years old, and my interests include exercise and assigning tasks to others.
Sys110243_titlenameEye of Wisdom Secretary General