result count: 17

SAY_110255_0Look at that forest! That is [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley's] forest. There are lots of wild animals there.
SAY_110255_1Of course, there are the cyclopes...and the Minotaurs... so many monsters. I've heard that in the deepest parts of the forest is a Minotaur village. Lots of adventurers have ventured in there, but I'm not going in and becoming a Minotaur's dinner! Haha!
SAY_110255_2I heard that while [ZONE_ZAIZOLL PATH|Khazor's Mountain Road] was cut through by the Order of Dark Glory before they changed their name, the nobleman who paid for it, died here through an accident. So they chose to name it after him.
SAY_110255_3Actually [ZONE_ZAIZOLL OUTPOST|Khazor's Watchtower] where we set off has a memorial tablet dedicated to him!
SAY_110255_4Do you know what [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] is like? There's a joke going around that it got its name when the [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] Captain came here and barfed from the long journey. They started calling it "Barf Post," but to not make him mad, they changed it to "Harf".
SAY_110255_5Haha! Isn't that funny? Anyway, [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] is an interesting area. Originally we thought airship trade would bring this little outpost to demise, but they brought many adventurers and researchers, making it even more prosperous!
SAY_110255_6Can you see it? The white cliff! [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] is at the bottom of that cliff!
SAY_110255_7I heard that the cliff is completely covered in snow so it's called the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]. At the top there is a giant skeleton. And inside its depths are fairies and queens of ice and snow. Once I went to deliver some supplies there but that really was no place for humans!
SAY_110255_8Finally, we're here. I have to go and do something now. Go quickly and find my brother!
SO_110255_0End dialogue
ST_110255_0You saw me faint on the road. How embarrassing...
ST_110255_1Thank you for bringing me my lunch!
ST_110255_2...Can't go on... Too hungry...
Sys110255_shortnoteA woman who has fallen unconscious from starvation on Khazor Mountain. It is still unknown why she ran to such an cold place without any warm clothing.