result count: 7

SO_110270_0Go and get him some medicine to stop his wounds from getting worse.
SO_110270_1Kill this Minotaur and end his pain.
ST_110270_0You give [110268|Evon's] special medicine to the injured Minotaur. He lets down his guard. After inspecting him, you see that his injuries are even worse than you thought. This medicine isn't going to help him...\n\nYou decide to...
Sys110270_nameInjured Minotaur
Sys110270_name_pluralInjured Minotaur
Sys110270_shortnoteA secret friend of Evon who is receiving help from him.
Sys110270_szquestnpctextTardrei.... pas'toar.... tanir dos'krei....\n(You don't understand any of the minotaur language he is speaking, but you can tell that he's very weak.)