result count: 29

SO_110288_0End dialogue
SO_110288_1The earrings that [110287|Hadley] gave you.
SO_110288_10Perhaps you should trust [110287|Hadley] one more time.
SO_110288_11Perhaps he just didn't want you to misunderstand...
SO_110288_12Yes, madame, I want to have these earrings.
SO_110288_2I want to buy it and I won't disappoint you with the price.
SO_110288_3[110287|Hadley] said I could buy it from you...
SO_110288_4Perhaps [110287|Hadley] wasn't paying attention when he said I could purchase the earrings from you...
SO_110288_5I've been entrusted with buying these earrings. I started out from where Lady [110286|Barbara] is, and I have already passed through several places. I hope you understand this...
SO_110288_6Lady [110286|Barbara] told me she gave the earrings to [110287|Hadley].
SO_110288_7Yes, why are you asking?
SO_110288_8All that I've said can be verified by Lady [110286|Barbara].
SO_110288_9Perhaps they know each other...
ST_110288_0Welcome! What are you looking for?
ST_110288_1These Earrings? Yes, I have them.
ST_110288_10Trust? He cheated me! He tried to get my trust with that woman's things!
ST_110288_11Shut up! Do you want to buy these earrings, or are you just doing [110287|Hadley's] dirty work? If you want the earrings then you better not ever mention him again!
ST_110288_2No. Although you have come from far away, these earrings are worth more to me than money.
ST_110288_3Oh! My [110287|Hadley]. He thought that this could bring me a little wealth. For me, however, it's the thought that counts. These earrings represent his love for me. Do you think you can sell love?
ST_110288_4This is where men and women are different. You should understand? Men don't care about things like this but women understand their value.
ST_110288_5Wait? Lady [110286|Barbara]? You didn't hear this from [110287|Hadley]?
ST_110288_6Lady [110286|Barbara] gave these earrings to [110287|Hadley]?!
ST_110288_7Lies! He said that he had saved for a long time to buy these! It couldn't be a gift from another woman!
ST_110288_8Sorry... I'm too taken aback. I always thought it was strange he could afford something so expensive. He said such sweet things... And all along it was from some trollop!
ST_110288_9Only "know" each other? Ah! You have no idea. There are only two kinds of people to receive gifts from her: Her lover and someone she wants to make her lover. Do you know which one [110287|Hadley] is?
Sys110288_shortnoteA girl living in the Obsidian Stronghold who has many romantic daydreams.
Sys110288_szquestnpctextThat damned [110287|Hadley]! How dare he trick me...