result count: 6

ST_110309_0To help people better understand us, the Eye of Wisdom has chosen me to impart the knowledge of Mages to others.\n\nKnowledge is the source of the Mage's power. We understand how to control wind, fire and other forces, both within ourselves and in the outside world. These powers are indeed strong. We focus on spell casting and related complicated gestures and languages. As you will learn, heavy armor and shields become a hindrance, preventing us from performing more advanced techniques to unleash powerful magic. I have no problem in admitting that we are weak and at a disadvantage in direct combat, but this weakness also leads to great power.\n\nOur power, however, gives rise to the misunderstanding that Mages are nothing more than weapons of destruction. This is of course incorrect, as mages pursue knowledge rather than reckless violence. Thus the Eye of Wisdom and I want to train you as a scholar. We want you to make good use of your various powers, rather than leave you on your own to cause destruction through careless spell casting.
Sys110309_shortnoteSenior mage; provides mages with trial quests.
Sys110309_szquestnpctextI'm Casaray, instructor in the Eye of Wisdom. I'm responsible for support the Adventurers' Association, and teach some basic but accurate knowledge about magic to interested adventurers.
Sys110309_titlenameMage Instructor