result count: 6

ST_110312_0It would be my pleasure to inform you about the wisdom of the Divinity of Spring Water.\n\nAs a priest, I believe in the power of Spring Water and of light, taking on the responsibility to help others, curing injuries, and even reviving the recently deceased whose spirits have yet to be separated from their bodies. All of my abilities were granted to me by the power of the Divinity of Spring Water.\n\nThe Divinity of Spring Water does not encourage us to fight, but when helping others, fighting is sometimes inevitable, and therefore he gives us the power to control water so that we may protect ourselves and others. Our doctrines do not forbid believers to use combat equipment such as shields to protect ourselves, but as a priest you should not wear any armor except robes and cloth garments. Otherwise, you will never become one with the spirit and you lose some of the power that you have already been granted.\n\nOne who learns the wisdom of the God of Spring Water should understand that a priest shall never give up on anyone who needs help, for everyone's being has its own meaning in the world. This is the reason he grants us such power.
Sys110312_shortnoteSenior priest; provides priests with trial quests.
Sys110312_szquestnpctextMay the Spring Water bless you. Nadansa, a priest of Narfas, greets you.\n\nI am entrusted by the leader of the Adventurers' Association to convey knowledge of Narfas to those who wish to learn, so that they in turn can help others in need.
Sys110312_titlenamePriest Instructor