result count: 12

SO_110386_1I want to learn about alchemy.
ST_110386_0How are you? I am Ally, a proud member of the Paraclus family. I hope you would be interested in learning some alchemy. If you are, I would be happy to teach you some basics.
ST_110386_1Great! Just what we need is new Alchemists to join the ranks! I'll explain the basics of alchemy to you!\n\nYou can find the "Alchemy" skill in the "General" tab on the "Skill" interface. You can open the Alchemy Production Menu there. From the left side of the menu select an item you wish to create. On the right side of the menu select the quantity. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press "Produce" to begin work! However, you need to be around "Alchemy Tools" to start Alchmey.\n\nHey, why don't you give it a try!
ST_110386_2Oh no! It looks like your skills are good enough, so I planned to teach you something new. But you learned too many other skills; how can you learn any more alchemy with your brain so full?
ST_110386_3No, no, no... Why would you come to me? If Mary heard about this, she would think I'm secretly teaching you expert level alchemy. I'd be punished! If you want to learn more, you'll have to go talk to Mary. Don't come to me!
ST_110386_4Oh my... Such a high level of skill... It is time for you to seek out the master of alchemy... However, my sister told me not to tell anyone about him, so I can only tell you that the person is in Obsidian Stronghold... Sorry, I don't know why sister demands this. But if you want to improve your alchemy abilities, you'll have to go to Obsidian Stronghold!
ST_110386_5Hey! Don't come back to me! If my sister finds out a student of mine is more competent than me, that would be just awful. Pretend you don't know me! Please!
Sys110386_nameAlly Paraclus
Sys110386_name_pluralAlly Paraclus
Sys110386_shortnoteYoungest daughter of the Paraclus family. Specializes in alchemical research in Varanas.
Sys110386_szquestnpctextMy sister Mary asked me to find those with skills such as yourself, and train them to become craftsman alchemists. If I don't train a certain number of students, I will get in trouble...\n\n(|cff007f00Craftsman|r The upper limit of your alchemy skill will be increased to 40, [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_01|You can have maximal |cffff00004|r |cff007f00Craftsman tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].)
Sys110386_titlenameNovice Alchemy Instructor