result count: 11

ST_110387_0Greetings! Gene Carpenter, carpentry foreman, at your service! Feel free to come to me if you want to learn carpentry. I am also interested in inventing and carving.
ST_110387_1Alas! I'm so sorry. You come to me for more lessons, haven't you? No? You have already become an expert in three other skills... Your carpentry is good enough to learn more! I could still teach you about carving! Or would you like to learn something new? I happen to have a new invention on hand ...
ST_110387_2Oh? You come to me to learn carpentry, haven't you? I hope it wasn't... Sigh... Louise is suffering from that damn sickness of the mind again! I'm very sorry. You see, she's my younger sister. She gets confused all the time, ever since she was young. Please don't mind her. Perhaps she simply forgot she is only capable of teaching basic carpentry. Tell her a few more times; she'll remember.
ST_110387_3You sure are really advanced! Professional, even! I can introduce you to someone, a great inventor! You could learn from him... uh... pardon me. You want to improve your carpentry skills, don't you? In that case, you should make your way to Dalanis and search for Jimmy Lim. Do you really not want to meet the great inventor?
ST_110387_4Your carpentry is outstanding! Perhaps we can have a talk about inventing... No, ok... about carpentry.
ST_110387_5Wow! The legendary carpentry master?! I never expected you'd come to see my inventions! Oh, you're not?
Sys110387_nameGene Carpenter
Sys110387_name_pluralGene Carpenter
Sys110387_shortnoteCarpentry Foreman in Varanas; enjoys making new and strange things.
Sys110387_szquestnpctextWhat do you want? I hope you're not looking to learn carpentry or something! I'm kind of busy looking for something now!\n\n(|cff007f00 Expert| The upper limit of your carpentry skill will be increased to 60. [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_02|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Expert tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].)
Sys110387_titlenameExpert Carpentry Instructor