result count: 12

SC_110808_MASTER_HINTYou have already attained such skill! At this point, only the master is qualified to train you, but I am afraid that even though I know his whereabouts, I have sworn not to tell. \n\nWhat? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not lying, not this time! ... Well, of course, I wouldn't admit it if I were.\n\nListen, [115954|Panchi Hura] left for [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. While my blacksmithing skills are far inferior to his, I must say my jokes are a thousand times better!
SO_110808_1|cff11ffffI want to study Blacksmithing.|r
ST_110808_0Wait! Let me speak first... From the first time I saw you, I knew you weren't an ordinary person...\n\nYou...You have great technique... joking! Hahaha!\n\nSorry, I love joking around. But if you've come to study Blacksmithing, I'm going to have to ask you to excuse my temperament!
ST_110808_1Cough cough. Right! I'll teach you Blacksmithing!\n\nFirst you need to find Blacksmithing Tools. When you're near Blacksmithing Tools, select "Blacksmithing" from your skill window. Select the thing you want to create, and then... you'll start dancing! Mwahaha!\n\nReally, it's a little bit of dancing and a little bit of Blacksmithing. I see a lot of people standing there working on their blacksmithing over and over again but isn't that dull?!
ST_110808_2Hey hey! Let me tell you a secret. Actually I can teach you seven craftsman skills... Mwahaha! Isn't that exciting? Haha! I'm just joking!
ST_110808_3Hmmm? You've already reached this level! I will then teach you the trick to Blacksmithing success! It is... go to Varanas City and find a man called Black. He never smiles! Mwahahaha! Have I ever lied to you? Mwahaha!
ST_110808_4Oh my! You're already this good! You need to find that master to teach you the next stages. Although I know where he is, I can't tell you.\n\nHmm? Why are you looking at me like that! It's true! I'm not lying this time!
ST_110808_5Oh! You've really developed. I admit that you're better than me. But I am still better at joking! Mwahaha! That's never gonna change! Mwahaha!
Sys110808_nameGlen Seward
Sys110808_name_pluralGlen Seward
Sys110808_szquestnpctextOhhhhhhh... wow, can't be... you must be that genius blacksmith which legend says will come only once every 100 years!\n\nWahaha just kidding! Cmon, that joke must have made you laugh a bit, at least inside! Well anyway, your skill level definitely qualifies you to advance to craftsman, and I can help you with that!\n\n(|cff007f00Craftsman|r The upper limit of your blacksmithing skill will be increased to 40, [SC_CRAFT_MAKELEVEL_01|You can have maximal |cffff00004|r |cff007f00Craftsman tier|r |cff0000ffproduction skills|r].)
Sys110808_titlenameNovice Blacksmithing Instructor