result count: 12

SC_110814_MASTER_HINTYou're really good. You are ready to go learn from a master.\n\nOur master instructor is in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]. Her name is [115960|Larissa Pewter].\n\nShe is not a miner herself, but there is no one that knows ores and minerals better than her!
SO_110814_1|cff11ffffI want to study Mining.|r
ST_110814_0...Mining Trainer? That's me.
ST_110814_1Mining. The steps.\n\nFind something to mine. Click on it with the left mouse button.\n\nPractice is important.
ST_110814_2You can't become Craftsman. You know too much.
ST_110814_3You are done. [110416|Mayen Digg] in Varanas City can help you.
ST_110814_4You are very strong. You need a Master Trainer. I know who, but I can't tell you.
ST_110814_5You are a master. Terrific!
Sys110814_nameYance Long
Sys110814_name_pluralYance Long
Sys110814_szquestnpctextYou're qualified to become a craftsman. Would you like to? Yes? No?\n\n(|cff007f00Craftsman|r The upper limit of your mining skill will be increased to 40, [SC_CRAFT_COLLECTLEVEL_01|You can have maximal |cffff00002|r |cff007f00Craftsman tier|r |cff0000ffgathering skills|r])
Sys110814_titlenameNovice Mining Instructor