result count: 28

SC_113455_1[113455|Apat], your plan is...
SC_113455_2If our forces confront the great Naga army head-on, we will surely lose. But if we can think of a way of throwing them into disarray, or perhaps making them turn on each other, we stand a much better chance of winning.\n\nI've assembled a few of our best soldiers together. If we can get them into the [ZONE_NAGA ACROPOLIS|Naga Acropolis] to assassinate Sirloth, hopefully the Naga army will descend into chaos.
SC_113455_3So, what should I do?
SC_113455_4According to scout reports, there's only one way to reach the [ZONE_NAGA ACROPOLIS|Naga Acropolis], that is, the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation], which spans the [ZONE_DAEMONS MOUTH|Devil's Mouth]. However, the powerful Black Snake legion defends the bridge.\n\nWe need to think of a way to get our assassination squad across the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] without raising any alarms.\n\nCaptain [113458|Yashina] has already taken a handful of troops to the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] to investigate. Please go there and provide any help that she needs.
SC_113455_SUEZ_00First, listen to the report of the scout being attacked by Flame Devils.
SC_113455_SUEZ_01We don't know much about the Flame Devils, apart from that they are without a doubt fire elemental creatures.\n\nSince our target is the Naga, if these elemental creatures don't bother us, we won't bother them. We've simply been doing our best to keep our distance. Hmm...\n\nWhat happened this time though is out of the ordinary... My scout, who was hiding in the land that the Zurhidon are researching, finally got some of the important research materials, but were then attacked by Flame Devils near the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate].\nWhat happened after, you already know. The materials were stolen and my scout was injured.\n\nIf my scout had encroached on the Flame Devils' territory, I could understand that. But there are a few things that I'm suspicious about. Firstly, we haven't had reports of Flame Devils from nearby the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate]. Our people often traveled that road but nothing like this has happened before.\nSecondly, if the scout has only encroached on the Flame Devils' land, they should only have been injured. The Flame Devils have no reason to steal his things. What happened this time just doesn't correspond to previous reports.\n\nWhat do you think about this?
SC_113455_SUEZ_02Express opinion
SC_113455_SUEZ_03I don't have an opinion
SC_113455_SUEZ_04What's your opinion?
SC_113455_SUEZ_05Opinion: The Flame Devils' territory is expanding
SC_113455_SUEZ_06Opinion: The Flame Devils' goal was to steal those research materials
SC_113455_SUEZ_07Opinion: The Flame Devils have been controlled by the Zurhidon
SC_113455_SUEZ_08Opinion: Some unknown person sent the Flame Devils to attack the scout
SC_113455_SUEZ_09Opinion: For some reason, the Flame Devils' behavior has changed
SC_113455_SUEZ_10Opinion: We should collect more reports about the Flame Devils in this area
SC_113455_SUEZ_11Listen to the report again
SC_113455_SUEZ_13The Flame Devils' territory is expanding...\nAlthough that isn't impossible, it doesn't explain why they not only attacked the scouts but also stole the research materials.
SC_113455_SUEZ_14That's what I thought!\nBut according to reports, the Zurhidon took those research materials from ancient statues here.\nI don't understand what the Flame Devils need research materials for. Maybe they contain some kind of secret, but we'll never know now that they've been stolen.
SC_113455_SUEZ_15If our enemies really do control mighty elemental creatures, that really isn't good news for us.\nBut reports from [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks] show that even though the Naga have enslaved some Flame Devils, they aren't being used for battle, but rather they are being used as a source of heat for the furnace.\n\nActually, we once tried to break the equipment that the Naga use to manacle the Flame Devils. The escaped Flame Devil attacked the Naga. This shows that our enemies can control the Flame Devils physically but can't control their minds.\nOf course, we can't rule out the fact that Zurhidon technology is different from the Naga's. However, in the reports about the Zurhidon, there isn't anything that shows that they have a way to control the Flame Devils' minds.\nMoreover... the scout that I dispatched reported back that the Zurhidon doesn't seem to have the research materials anymore.
SC_113455_SUEZ_16An unknown entity... This is quite troubling.\nWe don't have any way to judge those that we have no information on...\n\nBut, based on the latest information, I think it's quite possible that these research materials were never returned to the Zurhidon. But besides us and the Naga, who else is in this place?\n\nIf they're enemies, it wouldn't be logical to know we were here but not make an attack. If they're friends, their actions would be even more pointless.
SC_113455_SUEZ_17There's a reason... What reason could cause the Flame Devils to leave their territory to rob our scout?\nAlso, our scout goes back and forth through that area all the time, but they were only attacked by Flame Devils this once.\nWhatever the reason, it must be related to the research materials they had with them...\nMaybe the Flame Devils really do behave differently than they used to, but I honestly believe that there must be a more immediate reason that would explain this incident.
SC_113455_SUEZ_18You think that we don't have enough information...\nYou're right... If we could get more information on the Flame Devils, we could clear up a few points.\nBut the information recorded in books can't explain what we've seen... It would be great if we could consult with somebody in the area that is familiar with the Flame Devils.\n...\nSince this was your proposal, you should get some more information.
SC_113455_SUEZ_19Tell the elder [113455|Apat], what [113467|Mardike] told you
SC_113455_SUEZ_20Oh? That's the first time I'm hearing this.\nIf that's the case, [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] should have a connection to the Flame Devils.
Sys113455_szquestnpctextWhy, when confronted by our greatest enemy, do we waste time worrying?\n\nFight for survival, for honor and for the future!