result count: 22

SC_113467_0What are you going to do to my pot? Take a bath in it?
SC_113467_A00Listen to the legend of [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill]
SC_113467_A01It happened a long long time ago... At that time, the mysterious power of the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] blocked the Naga from crossing [ZONE_DAEMONS MOUTH|Devil's Mouth], allowing us to survive on this land. Our ancestors could live here safely and there was ample vegetation and animal life. Lava only flowed at [ZONE_DAEMONS MOUTH|Devil's Mouth].\n\nBut it all changed one day when the giant spirits came.
SC_113467_A02Ask what the giant spirits are.
SC_113467_A03The giant spirits are those huge statues that you see on [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill].\n\nThey are living statues with souls and great power. They came to cleanse this land of its remaining sin. They pursue the tracks left behind by past Demons.
SC_113467_A04Ask what "remaining sin" means.
SC_113467_A05You outsiders really know nothing about the history of this world.\nIn the past, the humans and the allies waged war on the Demons. The last fort of the Demons who controlled Candara was right here. Even though humanity destroyed the fort and the Demons, the sins of this area couldn't be eradicated, so they had to build the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] to seal the sins of this land.\n\nOur ancestors stayed here just to ensure that the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] was built, stopping the heroes of the evil armies.\n\nRight, what was I talking about before?
SC_113467_A06Talk about the giant spirits again
SC_113467_A07Oh! The giant spirits came here to search for the power left behind by the Demons. They want to seal that power, to prevent the evil from reemerging.\n\nBut the giant spirits didn't know that there was a fire dragon asleep here, and they accidentally awoke it. Its fury caused the lava to rise up onto the terrain. Fire Beings appeared out of its power, plants withered, animals were set on fire and the giant spirits were overwhelmed by an unending flow of Fire Beings.\n\nOur ancestors escaped since they lived underground. They later left their caves and saw that all that was left was scorched earth and the remains of the giant spirits. Even all traces of the Naga at [ZONE_DAEMONS MOUTH|Devil's Mouth] were completely erased.
SC_113467_A08Ask about the fire dragon
SC_113467_A09That dragon was mad. It recklessly let loose its power, not to defeat an enemy, and not to protect itself, but purely to destroy, to release the fury within its heart.\nThe power of the fire dragon continuously flowed from within its body covering the land in flames.\nFinally, it used up all of its power and fell near the [ZONE_TOWER OF RAGE|Tower of Rage]. Oh yeah! That's the [ZONE_GESTEROS SHRINE|Gestero's Shrine] that you've heard about.\nBut its power is still here. The burning lava is its blood and the sharp black stones are its scales.
SC_113467_A10Ask about the Fire Beings
SC_113467_A11After the Fire Beings appeared, they never went back underground. They still control the lava now. You can even seen their tracks in [ZONE_DAEMONS MOUTH|Devil's Mouth]. They are the Flame Devils.\nIn order to survive, our ancestors found a way to live together with the Fire Beings. We showed them respect and they told us how to survive in this place.\nDue to the dragon's fury that still burns inside them, they still look forward to battle.\nBut they don't care one way or another about your war with the Naga. Only mighty enemies can satisfy their desire for destruction.
SC_113467_B00Ask about the Fire Beings' attacks on humans
SC_113467_B01You want to ask why the Fire Beings attacked...\nThe Fire Beings possess destructive power. They're good at fighting and they're dangerous.But as long as one doesn't invade their territory, they probably won't be attacked. As long as you treat them with respect, they will share knowledge with you and teach you how to avoid danger.But even though they may attack people, I've never heard of them stealing things...because things are of no use to them. Everything they have will end up melting in their hands.\n\nAnd I don't think that the Fire Beings are being controlled by others. They are born of dragon fire and have the pride of a dragon. They wouldn't be willing to be ordered about.Hmm... Maybe all you can do is actually ask the Fire Beings why they did that.\n\nThere are only two ways to talk to them. One is if they call on you and then you can cross the Fire Beings' passage into their territory. The other is to have the shaman, Kanya, hold a ceremony to summon the Fire Beings' emissary.\nIf you use any other way to meet the Fire Beings, they'll turn you to ashes...\n\nIf you can find Shaman Kanya and persuade her to hold a ceremony, perhaps you'll be able to get the answer to your question.
SC_113467_B02Fire Beings? They are residents of [ZONE_DAEMONS MOUTH|Devil's Mouth]. Only by staying away from them can you avoid being attacked... Don't you outsiders know this? When we come across something we don't know, we learn from the elders. Perhaps you should learn to learn from your elders.
SC_113467_B03The mayor says that the Fire Beings are our allies, but if we encroach on their territory, they become our enemies, so we are forbidden from going too close to their territory... For more details you had better ask the elder.
SC_113467_B04The Fire Beings are terrifying! Although the elders say they are our allies, they are truly terrifying! Even the Naga are afraid of them!
Sys113467_szquestnpctextOutsider, does entering our village make you uncomfortable?\n\nPlease forgive us, there are reasons we must do this.