result count: 13

SC_113669_0You look really exhausted.
SC_113669_1Just was as if I'd entered an illusion...
SC_113669_2Ugh... Never mind. Using so much cleansing energy and then searching for that girl... I'm totally spent but there's only time for a minute's rest.\n\nHer body is so blurred.. It's as if something's surrounding her...
SC_113669_3Inquire whether you're looking at a scene from reality or if it was just an illusion.
SC_113669_4(A small ray of light lights up [113670|Ayesha's] weary countenance)\n\nAn illusion? What did you see?
SC_113669_5There were two people... From their conversation I gather their names are [113810|Tiyana] and [113673|Androth].
SC_113669_6Really?\n\nThe atmosphere here is confusing. What you saw might be real or it might be imaginary. But don't worry. I have seen the two people you're talking about.\n\nEvery person always has a...thing that makes them feel alive and gives them purpose. If [113673|Androth] was that to [113810|Tiyana], can you imagine the feeling when she was snatched away?
SC_113669_7Ask why she looks so tired.
SC_113669_8Tell her about [113667|Prometo] being surrounded by a barrier.
SC_113669_9Barrier...rays of light... I've got it! It's that girl who started out one step ahead of us.
Sys113669_szquestnpctextStep by step approaching the goal...\n\nDifficulty just before reaching the result is the most painful, but also sweet.