result count: 8

SC_117742_01To Tilheim Finster: \n\nGreetings, I am Deputy Captain Jeremiah of Issac Camp. Please forgive my brevity, as there is much that needs to be covered. Recently, there have been a lot of rumors flying around camp and they are having a negative impact on our fighting strength at the front. Therefore, I request that [$playername] conducts an investigation into this matter. The first point concerns the mine in the south of the camp. It seems that [$playername] discovered some ancient [<S>209390|Memory Runes] with the help of the Ailic's Community archaeological expertise.
SC_117742_02The image of [209390|Memory Rune] reveals much about the witch who originally ruled over these lands. She used her terrible strength to enslave the natives, forcing them to mine the precious [<S>209284|Garnets] and build a giant statue in her image. Those days of terrible, indescribable suffering produced another deviation in the recording rune necklace. This necklace is the reason why those mine rumors persist so doggedly.
SC_117742_03The second point concerns your jurisdiction over Lathrofea. There are some adventurers who claim to have seen people who have died walking around the village a few days later as if nothing had happened. I request that you look into this matter and verify whether there's any truth to these rumors or not.
SC_117742_04Jeremiah's Top-Secret Document
Sys117742_nameJeremiah Trunk
Sys117742_name_pluralJeremiah Trunk
Sys117742_szquestnpctextThis is truly getting to be too much... \n\nHey! It's getting to be a mad house over here! It's not just the [SO_110484_NEWER|Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild] people, but also Ailic's researchers and Phirius Workshops members coming and going here. I am far too frequently being called upon to mediate their various quarrels. \n\nOK! This place is meant to be an organization point for goods headed to [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea]. It's also slowly being built up as a stronghold. As such, most of the more important tidbits of information eventually find their way to me, so if there's anything you want to know, feel free to ask!
Sys117742_titlenameDeputy Captain