result count: 4

Sys119906_nameChantholl von Jura
Sys119906_name_pluralChantholl von Jura
Sys119906_szquestnpctextAlthough there is a huge difference between the plants in [ZONE_Z31_IFANTRISH_CRYPT|Yrvandis Hollows] and the plants on the surface, there are some special characteristics that they both share. This has led us to call some of the ones in [ZONE_Z31_IFANTRISH_CRYPT|Yrvandis Hollows] by the names of their counterparts on the surface. \n\nCoal and lumber are two paths to getting a fire hot enough for forging. Of course, lumber can also be used to fashion any number of useful tools. But it's not like this is news to you, right?!
Sys119906_titlenameWoodcutting Instructor