result count: 5

SC_Z24NPC121377_1Did you already take back the packaged goods? The attacks of the Guardians always catch people by surprise, so we must move quickly and deliver the goods to the frontlines. You've been working hard, but you'll still need to make several more trips.
SC_Z24NPC121377_2I would like to hand in some of the items that have been scattered around.
Sys121377_nameMarcy Kaleen
Sys121377_name_pluralMarcy Kaleen
Sys121377_szquestnpctextCollected items still need to be processed. There aren't enough boxes so everything needs to be separated and distributed. Some people also need to think about delivery times and the supply situation. The people delivering the supplies also need a team to protect them on the road. I don't think I'll have time to rest until after all these tasks are finished. \n\nSo, what is it that I can do for you?