result count: 12

SC_427945_124957_1I heard that you can help me experience the 'hatching' first hand.
SC_427945_124957_2Yes, indeed.\nDo you know the tale of the [124962|Ugly Duckling]? Here is where it all began.\n\nOnce upon a time, a [124960|mother duck] was sitting on her eggs near the pond. After a short while, all the eggs have hatched except for one. The mother duck thought the egg just needed a bit more time\n\nCan you help the [124960|mother duck] hatch her egg?
SC_427945_124957_3Where has the [124960|mother duck] gone?
SC_427945_124957_4The [124960|mother duck] is away looking for food. Maybe we can help her in the meantime.
SC_427946_124957_1Uh... I was told I should get dressed up as a duckling...
SC_427946_124957_2Yeah, because the last duckling ran away... Come here and I'll dress you up.
SC_427946_124957_3That is very nice of you. Thank you for your help.
SC_427946_124957_4Oh... I have to get dressed up as a duckling again.
Sys124957_nameNena Kayla
Sys124957_szquestnpctextDo you know the tale of the [124962|Ugly Duckling]?
Sys124957_titlenameFairy Tale Event