result count: 4

SC_205911Dear Brother, \n\nThank you for your congratulations. Regarding Lady Hansis' announcement... I am very surprised; after all, everyone knows she favored you for the post of Naga King.\n\nI know that you had fallen out because you insisted on leading troops and the Wingsnake General to [ZONE_BLOODBATH VALLEY|Bloodbath Valley] for maneuvers. The night before the announcement, I consoled Lady Hansis, telling her not to take it to heart. I never imagined things would come to this...\n\nSince it's Lady Hansis' decision, I presume...\n\n(The second half of the letter is obscured by black ink. Only the last line is legible...)\n\nTime will heal the ill will between you, but I am the King of the Naga now and everything inside the [ZONE_NAGA ACROPOLIS|Naga Acropolis] is under my control. Brother, stand at your post and set your mind at rest.
Sys205911_nameStained Letter
Sys205911_name_pluralStained Letters
Sys205911_shortnote[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]