result count: 6

SC_209028_1Every day is nothing but tiring work, work, work! Still not enough to eat, and no women! Can you keep living like this?\nNo! Fire your mean boss and join under the leadership of the Blood Hawk captain. Start your freedom navigating the seas!\nEach day an countless numbers of plump sheep flow towards the newly discovered [ZONE_FROST_ISLAND|Frost Island]. Let's slaughter them and steal their sweet cream!
SC_209028_2Weary of listening to your stupid captain? Wandering the seas without any game, each day feeling your empty stomach?\nIn preparation for heading to [ZONE_FROST_ISLAND|Frost Island], the Mad Whale captain seeks to expand his pirate troop, calling for new top-deck sailors. The Mad Whale Pirates welcome all who dare to pillage, spoil, and slaughter!
SC_209028_3Countless boats hold treasure and women headed for [ZONE_FROST_ISLAND|Frost Island]. They leave filled with precious stones and high quality goods scarce on the island. Let's slaughter these fat lambs!\n(Interested parties should contact the See Wolf Pirates. )
Sys209028_nameDirty Flyer
Sys209028_name_pluralDirty Flyers
Sys209028_shortnote[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]