result count: 4

SC_243157_1The mighty hero and his companions were joined upon their arrival by holy creatures.\n\nAt the time, his servants didn't understand why he had left the miraculous item to us and not to them. That obviously led to mutual hostility. Out of jealousy, one of the female servants cast a spell on our people and stole a piece of the miraculous item.\n\nAfter that, the mighty hero placed a curse on her, painfully turning her into a cat.\n\nThe cat swore her revenge, and then disappeared.\n\nThe mighty hero told us that this cat knew about his past. He warned us of her return. If she should ever reappear, she would try to get her paws on the Wheel of Time. The Wheel of Time has the power to control time. If this cat should take control of it, the world will meet its demise.\n\nSince that day, our people have honored this day with the Ceremony of Feline Expulsion.
Sys243157_nameHandwritten Notes
Sys243157_name_pluralHandwritten Notes
Sys243157_shortnoteNotes written by [123449|Tania Leiff] about this place of sacrifice.\n\n[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]